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Lynn’s POV

After we enter in the dining, his mother, Samantha, get up right away from her seat and assault me with tight hug and kisses on both cheek.

“At last you both are officially together now, I can’t wait to carry my first grandbaby.” She yaps away after pulling away from me and inspecting my appearance with appreciative smile before nodding her head to his son. “You’re a lucky man, son, she’s so pretty.” She taps him on the back while giving him a hug too.

“Grandbaby’s on the way now, son?” His father inquires too.

“No dad, we haven’t even think of the wedding yet and it’s only been yesterday that she comes to agreement with the idea, don’t rush it, your scaring her.” Smiling widely he answers.

“Why the long wait? You both lost four years of your life with each other though hurrying all up doesn’t bring back what’s lost in time, you could make up for it.” Her mother says dragging me to the dining table, making me sit down next to her and continue to gush; “I am so excited to meet your mother again to plan for your wedding dear.”

“Mom, stop it now, as I said you’re scaring her.” Zack immediately came to my rescue. “Baby, don’t be feel pressure, as I said let’s do this on your term.” Standing beside me, he rubs his hand at my back, up and down to let me know that he’s with me.

Looking up at him, I give him a reassuring smile before uttering; “I haven’t inform my mother yet, Mrs. Right.” I look back at his mother after.

“Oh dear, don’t call me that, mama or mom and papa or dad would be fine to us. You’re our daughter, now.” She bites back immediately, looking to his husband for approval which he instantly nod. “And besides let me have the liberty to call your mother now.” After declaring that, she pulls out her phone from her bag which is placed to the chair next to hers.

I just look back up to Zack and give him a reassuring smile again, hoping my mother would have an agreeable reaction to the news.

Seeing me not upset of the outcome, Zack settle himself next to his father but not before placing a lingering kiss on my forehead, conveying his message silently that everything will be alright.

“We’re not getting any younger, son, I know both of your past and don’t let it cloud your decisions.” His father talks him out of it, looking at me, confirming that I’m listening too. “Even before at your young age you already ask for my blessing, never doubting your decision at your age, what change now? Don’t you both learn your life’s lesson?” He added, making my eyes water, knowing now that Zack asks his father’s blessing on our senior years and he made them agree to it.

“Lynn I saw my son broke down after you left, during those years that you’re not in his life, I see a different person in him. Though it’s not bad, he’s not happy, not living how life should be, just existing without main purpose. Last week, seeing him after meeting you again, bring back the true him. Please don’t delay any longer.” He finishes.

Tears freely flowing from my eyes realizing the big mistake I did to all of us. Nodding my head I agree to him. Zack is immediately backed at my side.

“Baby, you don’t need to comply to dad. I can wait.” His eyes are also watery.

“I’d love to, babe.” I softly say.

Placing both his hands at either side of my face he claims my lips with his in chaste kiss before smiling widely then wiping my cheeks clean from the stain of tears.

“Oh stop the crying all of you, I’m connected to Verona.” His mother gush to us placing the phone on the table and putting it on speaker.

“As I’m saying, they already agreed to get married. You’re on speaker now.” She continues and gesture for me to speak to my mom.


“Oh my baby girl is now grown up. I can’t wait to be there and plan your wedding with Sam. I’m so happy to both of you, congratulations, I’m so grateful you didn’t wait for too long it’s just that there’s no time that can be called right, you must choose the time to make things right. Now, when will be this weeding? Oh never mind I’m flying back there in a week with your brother.” She yaps nonstop not giving me a chance to say a word. “That’s settle then.” She finally said.

“Yeah better get here sooner to finalize all of it, I'll contact you every now and then for the details, gosh, I can’t wait for my grandkids to be here.” Her mom gushes back.

Both women now are talking among themselves making us audience only, making plans for the weeding as if it’s their own wedding, not asking for my opinion.

God, they are talking grand wedding which I don’t like so I looked at Zack and shake my head which he answers in a whisper.

“It’s your decision that makes these all final, let them be, it’s just the excitement.” His words instantly calm me, smiling I nod to him in understanding then peek at his lips.

The maids enter the dining and placed the plates of food in the table making all of us settle in our seats, ready to merrily devour the delicious foods prepared for us.

The meal is done and the couple is gone for work, so as my anxiety, completely vanished and replaced with happiness and excitement to the wedding.

It’s been just more than a week and everything falls into places. I didn’t expect this after all. When I came back here, my mind was all consume to find a normal job and live a normal life, not expecting to meet him again.

I avoided looking up for him on internet and tried my best not to think of him and move on with my life yet life itself have another plan for me.

Smiling, walking with him to the front door where the driver is waiting for us to bring us at the company, I said to myself; from now on don’t go ahead assuming find the truth.

Zack smiling back at me ask; “You good, baby?” He open the left back door for me in the black SUV then close it before making his way to his side.

“Hmm..” I answer to him while making myself comfortable in his side as the car came to drive, his arms instantly circling in my body.

“I want you in my office today not on the kitchen.” He whispers against my ear.

Looking up at him, I give him a mischievous smile in understanding. I nod before saying; “But let me prepare our lunch at the kitchen when time comes.” Wanting to make him a meal on my own as our breakfast is prepared by the helper.

“I prefer you as my meal.” He whisper again which I answer with a swat in his arm and a smile.

Coming to a stop in front of the company’s entrance, he comes out first and walk briskly to my side of the door opening it for me, putting his arms back on my body and lead me to the entrance.

All eyes are on us, its pin drop silent and everything around us are as if on pause while we made our way to the elevator. And as we made it inside the elevator, whispers erupted through the lobby and hallways.

Smiling up to him, I brace myself for whatever comes our ways as a couple now.



I know, I know guyzz, yes! This is very far from reality, but you can’t do something about it, I write the kind of person I wanted to be but can never be in reality.

I want to be as successful as Zack is, I wanted to be as sweet and caring as him also, I wanted to have the kind of family he have, and most importantly the love he have, of course the fucking sessions too. LOL

What can I say? I’m a man full of fantasy. Admission don’t hurt, it makes me embrace my flaws in life.



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