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Lynn's POV

Dragging a rolling table full of torture equipment as I make way to the cell, I take a hold of a metal pole I passed by laid against the wall and drag it on the cell walls bar, making the men eye me.

"Hi!" I began, addressing to no one in particular, letting my eyes evaluate the damages done by Zack's men to each one of them.

"Anyone wants to talk to me?" I continue, interrogating everyone at the same time. "It seems that no one wants to give me what I want easily."

"Once I start there is not stopping, you know that right? Do you really want me to kill you all?" Unemotionally saying to them and letting silence fill for ten minutes, closing my eyes and listening to their breathing becoming ragged.

As I go to reach for equipment in the table, a voice rang "Ryan Hult"



"You can't do these."

The others chorus after the name had been spoken. I face them again with a friendly smile plastered on my lips.

"Thank you." Looking for the one who voice out the name, my eye land on one of the men from the bathroom earlier, he's also looking at me. "What is the exact mission Ryan Hult gives to all of you?"

"Eliminate Zack Right and his family at all cost." The same man said.

"Where does that leaves me?"

"There's no mention of you being with him."

"I'm his long lost girlfriend." I feel Zack comes closer to me as I make that statement.

"We don't have that information."

"I know. We just got back less than a week."

"If we knew, we shouldn't have attacked."

"Hhhmm.. I doubt that."

"You're right. We already accepted the mission. We have no way to back out from it after signing the contract."

"Hmm.. How shall we settle this?" Giving them the chance to make a deal to me by themselves rather than offering them.

"Let us talk amongst ourselves to come up an agreeable deal on both sides."

"Okay. How many hours you need?"

"An hour would do."

"See you after an hour." Dragging away the table from the cell, I tangle my arms on Zack's as I made my way to the door and to the elevator.

"How did you do that? That's fast." Zack exclaimed as we made it to the elevator. "Baby your so hot in there i wanna bang you just now." eyes trailing down my body.

Pressing the buttons up to ground floor, I smile at him before saying; "they know me."

"Know you how?"

"That once I start killing I won't stop til all of them are dead. I don't like torture. I kill instantly. Please ring your personnel to gather all info about Ryan Hult."

Making it to the ground floor, Zack pulls out his phone to do as I instruct, all his men from the basement before gathers in the lounge.

"Boss" James comes to attention the instant we make our way out of the elevator and meet us half way.

"Ryan Hult, get the info from the investigator a.s.a.p."

"Aye! Aye! Boss." Eyeing me, he added; "that's fast"

"Gather around" I order, to which Zack nod in agreement. "Any secure room we can hold the meeting?"

"We will all fit in my office." Zack declares.

"Move it." James orders his subordinates.

As the door closes in Zack's office, I stand in the middle and introduce myself to everyone as Zack's girlfriend.

"After an hour, I'll go back to the basement to make a deal with the prisoner and probably set all of them free, to all who lay their hands on them watch your back coz they are crazy assassins."

"Why set them free?"

"Kill them instead."

"You'll be the one dead of you set them free."

"You're crazy."

The men chorus, their thoughts out loud.

"Yes I am." Pulling the gun in a blink of an eyes from the nearest man. "Want to go first?" Pointing it to his head and that makes the whole room silence.

The man shivers under the gun.

"Baby no need for blood shed, this are my men." Zack rescued.

Per Zack's order the chaos that starts to arise vanished. He made it clear to them to consider my orders as his.

We made it back again to the basement after an hour and my fellow assassins laid their deal. Which is to work for me and eliminate the one who give them their previous order in exchange for their life, we make a pact after we agreed each parties conditions. And I freed them myself. Zack keep to himself all the time I make the negotiation, just nodding his agreement every time I ask his opinion, letting me handle the matters myself.

A new beggining to both of us together.


This chapter is boring.

How did this idea come up on my mind?

Anyways bear with it and COMMENT pls.



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