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Zack’s POV

We ended our dinner and I head to my house office to have some work done, bringing her along with me of course, our conversation isn’t done yet.

Yeah! Multitasking, I’m good at that, that’s why I made my parent’s company boom in the short period of time. Before I take over it, the company only has two branches which located at the neighboring state, now we have a couple of dozen branches of hotel and restaurants all over the states and abroad.

“How’s work?” I start as we made ourselves at the office.

“Great?” Hesitating her statement come out as a question.

“Great but???” I booted up my computer and wait for her to finish while settling myself at my chair behind my desk.

“But it’s awkward. They all are on edge, afraid to make a wrong move coz the boss’s woman is in the room.” She continued while making herself comfortable at the couch, lying on her back and putting both her legs up on the air making her bum on full display.

After a while she reposition herself, spreading her legs widely making a splitting position on the air, balancing her body on the couch through her shoulder and head or neck, bending it uncomfortably. These make my focus on our topic stray and instead observe her in silence.

Slowly, she shift her body’s weight on her head making her position on head stand in a split then as if counting mentally she slowly shift after a while in hand stand still in a split.

“I don’t want to work in an environment like that.” She calmly stated like her position is normal, her breathing is not even labored by all the splitting and movement she did.

Pushing her body weight up and down, she looks at me when I didn’t give her my reply.

Why is she on a showy mode now? Is she trying to intimidate me?

I blink rapidly and refocus myself on the topic we had. I almost forgot she had a rigid training in the agency.

“Why are you doing that?” I blurt out as I point her current position which is still on a split but body now is not upside down and fully facing me while both legs very straight on either side, body weight carried by her both hands intertwined on the couch, back so straight and face void in any emotion.

How did she even do that? I just blinked and she changed her position in that span of time. Wow!


“You’re not supposed to be stretching after meals.”

“Right” She then sit up properly and relaxed on the couch.

“What were you saying again?”

“Your people are on edge the whole time I’m around as if I’ll bite their heads off in one wrong move.”

“You’ll bite their heads off though.” I smile at her. “I won’t mind you put them in their places.” Reassuring her, I give her the authority as my other half.

Going through my emails, “But honestly, seeing you sleeping like that after we got back from work, I change my mind in letting you work, I see its stressing you out and along with your concern now, I will not let you work full time.” I added not gazing at her and focused on my emails.

“I will allow you to enter the restaurant’s kitchen anytime you want though you need to promise me that all your mornings or breakfast is with me and we go to work together, I don’t like it the way this morning goes.” I continue will I answer my emails.

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