Roses For The Lost One

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Be ready for the feels train! it might hit you!!

I glance out the window, it' s surprisingly raining out. 'just great, that helps me a bunch.'

Yesterday night I was told that my mom committed suicide by cutting herself, losing too much blood. That night I cried myself to sleep, I loved my mother dearly and cherished her. Now, she's gone.... forever....

Sitting all alone

With a broken heart

Broken hopes

Broken spirit

Everything is broken

Why did I ruin everything?

What did I do wrong?

I wanted to gain more love

But all I did

Was lose my best friend

And everything i love...


I start to shake uncontrollably, tears rolling down from my (e/c) eyes as I stare out the window. I then shove my face in my hands, sobbing. I cradle myself, remembering my mom doing the same when I was a child. That's when I broke, I sob loudly unable to stop, I sob her name out between the wimpers and sobs out to her. I probably sounded like I was being murdered, yet I wasn't but I felt like it, I felt like I just got stabbed.

Hour later of crying and sobs


I hear the door creek open, I hear Cry talking to people. I try to stay quiet, but fail horribly. I burst out sobbing, loud enough for the neighborhood to hear. I hear many footsteps and people telling each other to move. The door bust open, revealing me with mascara smeared, eyes red and puffy, and to top it all off me holding a picture of her. All the boys ask what's wrong. Me hateing it when I get surrounded, I sobbed even louder than ever. The boys sit next to me, on Cry's lap I was curled on his chest, a sniffling ball of sadness. After they knew I was ready to talk Cry asked me what happened.

I explained the whole story to them and by the end they all see why I was so sad. Cry stroked my hair gently, holding me in a hug. Someone then called out 'group hug!', I was engulfed in hugs, still sniffling.

Bout an hour of your friends helping you try to be happy


The boys were at Russ's house, playing games like normal. I felt much better so I got up and grabbed the keys to the car, frown on my face.



I walk into the flower shop, looking at the many colors of roses, remembering that her and I had the same favorite color. I browse the roses, my mom's favorite flower. I finally find a (f/c) rose and pay for it.

I walk past my car heading to the cemetery that was close by. I was sad I didn't have enough money for a funeral but I was glad I at least got her a grave.

I arrive at the foot of her grave, dropping to my knees, hugging the gravestone crying. clutching the rose stem, letting the thorns pierce my skin. I let go of the grave and put the rose on the wet dirt, sitting now in front of the grave, still crying. I feel a person walk up behind me and pat my back, then rubbing circles in it. I turn around,"sorry ma'am, it looked like you could use comfort.." I nod in approval. I cling onto this stranger, hugging him tightly (you have no feelings for him) staining his shirt with tears, "s-s-sorry.." I mumble when I see his shirt, now stained badly. He nods and puts his hands up signalling it's ok.

I finally get the strength to leave my mother's grave, standing up I ask this stranger, "state your name.." I say firmly, frightening him, "umm name's Andrew." I chuckle, a normal person wouldn't have been so scared of just my voice. "Well, thank you Andrew," "it's fine, anyway, what's your name?" " the name's (y/n), no need to be scared of me, bud" I chuckle once again, handing him my phone number, "call me if you can bud." I wave at him and walk off to my car, driving away.

A/N Done, Hey! Sorry so sappy just felt like typing it.. Anyway, you have 0 feelings for Andrew, I panicked and stole one of my friend's name (Andrew.) The poem is not mine I used it and the person didn't say who he/she was sorry bout that. Also, school sucks, K PEACE ~SheWolf

Knowing How You Feel ( cryaotic x reader fanfic ) [CANCELED]Where stories live. Discover now