A Secret For A Secret

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After you chuckle as he falls to the ground holding his nuts he whispers, "you will be mine, (y/n)..." then you see Cry's virus infected body turn back to normal. You see him wince in pain from what you've just done to Virus, 'dose that hurt him? Of course it dose, why would he be on the ground still' "C-Cry...." tears blind your sight as they rush down your face, you pull Cry into a tight hug, crying on his shoulder "d-don't leave me again,please..." you say through sobs. You apologise for kicking him and you help him stand up and walk home.


Cry and I sit on the couch watching 'Family Guy' until you interrupt the show, "Cry..." "yah,(y/n)?" he ask sleeply "who i-is Virus...?" he sits up instantly and looks worried "i-is it personal?" he shakes his head and sighs "V-Virus is another version of me,but he's a.....glitch..."

Cry P.O.V

I sit playing my new game, (insert random game) until my computer screen flashes the words 'VIRUS FOUND, VIRUS FOUND!' I look at the screen confused then, I reach for the plug that's in the wall, I get zapped "ouch,gosh dang." I flick my hand back and forth swearing in my mind as the burning rises and spreads to my whole body. 'HELLO CHILD,' "who are y-you?" I say aloud 'JUST CALL ME VIRUS, AND WHO ARE YOU?' "I'm Cry and I'm 11!" I say puffing my chest. ' SHHHHHHHHHHH, CHILD DON'T TALK, I HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS..' 'really can you hear this?!' ' YES, I HEAR YOU...' you could tell he was rolling his eyes.'Hey, Virus can I see what you look like?' I see a glitching figure appear in front of me, he looked just like me! 'CRY, YOU AND I WON'T GET ALONG BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS DAY....' he says then disappears from sight..

(y/n) P.O.V

"people..bully me," I hear him say "they want to see Virus come and whoop their as-butt, they push me down and swear at me.. so I wear the mask, I feel that it'll get them to go away because it looks emotionless...but it only helped with some people but I still get made fun of." "oh...sorry for asking Cry..." he shakes his head " it's fine I needed to tell you sometime." 'now he knows my secret and I know his,now, we're even..'

A/N Done! I'm sorry I changed why Cry wears the mask but I find the new way more interesting then the other one. Sorry I didn't post last night/morning I was watching Cry's stream until 5:00 am and got 5 hours of sleep, sorry if this is crappy. PEACE ~SheWolf

Knowing How You Feel ( cryaotic x reader fanfic ) [CANCELED]Where stories live. Discover now