I Just Need A Break!

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I see Cry's eyes brighten up "t-tell me how!" I sigh "it could get rid of you...forever, b-but I-I can t-try!" my palms get sweaty he has a 40% chance of him being killed 'what if I do kill him?' Cry apparently noticed me staring into nothingness, "erm, (y/n)??" I shake my head "y-yah?" I say smiling "I want you to get rid of Virus, now.." I see him scratch the back of his neck, I start to sweat like crazy, "yah,ok." I keep that grin plastered to my face even though I'm getting killed on the inside.

I mumble words and feel the power, I see my hand glow an icy blue,different then the normal color of (f/c) (sorry if you prefer icy blue as a color, if you do pretend it was a darker blue than this one..) 'no,no,no' I move the direction of my hand to the wall,a blast of ice shoots out and freezes the wall. I gasp and look at Cry, he looks perfectly fine accept he looks spooked "oh my gosh,I'm so sorry!" tears roll down from my eyes as I apologise over and over again. "C-Cry I-I don't trust m-myself, not around p-people an-anymore.." I admit, he tries to hug me, "it's o-" "N-N-NO!" I hold out my hand blocking him. I could see his heart break by the look In his eyes (he likes not wearing a mask around you) he storms out of the room. "C-Cry please, I-I-I just need a break!" I feel weak, like I just want to go into a coma or something,just to avoid stress. You lean agents the wall and slide down until you found yourself sitting on the floor, you hold your head in your hands, "I just want to die.." I sigh and trudge downstairs to where Cry was on the couch, I heard whimpering and sobs from the poor boy. I walk to the kitchen and write a note saying: Cry I'm going to go relax some where, maybe a forest,I'll come back,I promise,I'm so sorry.. a tear falls to the paper, staining it, I sneak past his sobbing figure and tape the small note on the door and close the door silently, not even taking the keys to the car 'I'll just teleport there..' I say the words,I feel dizzy as normal when I teleport. I sit under a tree,resting my head in my hands. "hello there..."



I sit on the couch sobbing as I look at our pictures that we took together, 'she looked so happy... but now, she's terrified.' I throw my phone at the door and see a note from afar, I walk up to it and read it (you know what it says..) I panic 'what if Virus gets to her?! I need to find her, like now!' I grab my coat and the keys and rush to the car.



I rush out of the car searching every tree,looking for her "(Y/N)!!??" I hear a twig break, I look around, nothing I hiss under my breath. GRRRRRRRR.... my eyes widen "wh-who's there?" GRR.. I see and large silver wolf lunge at me pinning me to the soft dirt, snarling and biting my face,I feel the horrid red liquid gush from my bites. I kick the wolf in the gut and run (somehow) faster then it,my blood flowing from my face,I don't care I just need to find (y/n)...



I. Give. Up. Sorry (y/n), I looked everywhere for you but, I got nothin',great...

A/N Done, yup,I'll now be listening to music. Did you see that were at the end? You'll find out next chapter...... K PEACE ~SheWolf

Knowing How You Feel ( cryaotic x reader fanfic ) [CANCELED]Where stories live. Discover now