CH 11 Living is Important

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Jean got caught in a coma.

"Jean!!", Ricky hollered followed by Izzy, "Jean onii-chan!!"

I picked up Jean bridal style and set him on a bed nearby. The knife was still in Jean's stomach. I didn't really know how to remove a knife from flesh in real life before so...

I mumbled, "Sorry Jean..."

I lunged at the knife and pulled it straight out.

Blood splat out of Jean's lips, causing him to cough harshly.

I grabbed a health potion and fed it to him. His hp rises from 20 to 40%, but his wound was still open and his hp kept dropping slowly ever 20 seconds.

"Ricky!", I called. "Now is not the time to daydream! I need you to help me patch up Jean! You know don't you? Amy showed you how to bandaged me right?!", fidgeting on Jean I couldn't explain to her how I knew that, but the most important issue now is to stop the bleeding!

Ricky rushed in her bag and grabbed a couple of bandage rolls. "Izzy! Get some paper towels!", Ricky ordered.

After a few minutes later Jean was patched up and resting. Izzy stayed in the room with Jean while Ricky and I went out to go get some food.

"How many gens do you have? I have 16,074." I said while pulling up my profile.

"I have 18,727 gens.", Ricky answered.

"I guess we could get a 1000 gen meal from Freaky Fries. We'll split it with 500 each okay?"

"I'll go order it so send me the gens.", Ricky offered.

I sent Ricky 500 gens, leaving me with 15,574 gens. We soon arrived at Freaky Fries and Ricky went in to order the meal while I waited outside. I leaned over a nearby wall and stared at the innocent people having their meals outside of the diner under red and black striped umbrellas. The town was less crowed compared to this morning... Which reminded me a hint of the past.

Every time the 'Book of Rest' came to town together there would always be a big straight line for us to walk through. Then there would be many people pushing and shoving in the background trying to get to their destination or to have a better look at the 'Book of Rest.'

A black and white jacket flew by and looked familiar. The back of the jacket had a symbol. It was the 'Book of Rest' symbol! The group must have been here to check up on things and must've heard news about the chaos in Futurling dungeon. I wondered if Izma might still be in it, so I walked up to the man wearing the 'Book of Rest' jacket.

The man had red hair and grey eyes. I asked the red head if he knew who Izma was first. He nodded and said, "She was one of us 'Book of Rest.' Until she went berserk after 'The Slayer' incident."

I was still confused about the answer he gave me so I asked, "What did she do?"

The red head responded, "At first she threatened people about something and then starlted rampaging and slaying everyone she saw. She was known as 'Bloody Mary.' After admin saw what she did, she got banned and kicked out of the 'Book of Rest.' Then we never knew where she might be..."

I told thanks to the man and headed back to the diner where Ricky just appeared in front of the doorways of Freaky Fries.

Ricky and I were half-way from the hotel that Jean and Izzy are in. We were both silent and had no idea what to talk about.

I mustered my courage and apologized, "I'm sorry Ricky. For not saving Amy in time..."

With a surprised look, Ricky responded, "It's alright... It's not really your fault. I'm the one who should be apologizing to you. Since... I'm sorry for attacking you and blaming you for it... I'll do anything you ask... As an apology..."

"... Then how about... Living for me?"

A small gasp came from Ricky's lips.

"Live and I'll be satisfied! Alright?!"

Ricky's eyes started to fill with tears as she nodded excitedly.

Back at the hotel, Jean was up and was wobbling back to his bed from use of the bathroom. While Izzy slept on top of the messy bed where Jean once rested.

I shook Izzy to wake her up to eat since it was still the afternoon.

For lunch we had some 'Freaky Fries', 'Freaky burgers', and some 'Freak drinks.' The name is just as freaky as the food. The look of the food was just horrifying but it still tasted pretty decent.

The room was full with the sounds of munching and crackling of the lunch until Izzy stood up.

Izzy spouted, "Ne! Onee-chan! Let's go to the dungeon again! Since we didn't defeat the dragon yet!"

"Alright, but we'll have to wait for Jean to heal first."

"Senpai! I'm as fit as a pro wrestler! We can go anytime! Just call it and I'm in it!", Jean stated.

"Oh right, you guys were at a dungeon before! Mind if I tag along?", Ricky questioned.

"Whaa?!", Izzy shrieked. "You our friend!! You shall follow us everywhere Onee-chan! Friends stick together! No matter what!! We will help each other no matter what happens!! We stick together like glue! Do not forget!!"

I chuckled at the way Izzy put it but she's right. I pulled up our party members and requested for Ricky.

Ricky smiled and clicked yes on her pop up screen. Izzy cheered while holding Jean's hand in the air swaying back and fourth.

Ricky whimpered, "I'm glad that I've met you guys... This is the best... Even if Amy's not here anymore. I'm still happy... Even though she was the one who made the cheerful and fun me. If Amy wasn't here or you guys I would've been dead by now..."

I felt the mood was a bit too sad so I thought to lighten up the mood I slapped Ricky on the back.

"Good for you huh!? Living is better than anything else in this world. What comes first in life, is your own life, and you need to protect it. Don't throw away your life for something meaningless. If the time comes, you can let yourself go. Otherwise, you can never let yourself go. You need to fight no matter what go it?", I stated.

Ricky cried once more while hugging and being hugged by everyone in the room.

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