CH 26 Don't Mention It

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"Ruka!!!" "Senpai!!!" "Slayer-God-Sama!!!"

"Sup...", I greeted with a peace sign.

All at once, everyone in the Vultures pounced on me, except for Mazi, Zai, and Izzy, almost suffocating me to death.

"Senpai!! I'm so glad you're awake!!!", Jean shouted. "Ruka!! Don't leave me ever again!!!", Ricky pleaded. "Slayer-God-Sama!!! I'm sorry for my sister's behavior!!!", Drogo apologized.

I chuckled, "It's okay, everyone. At least I'm alive right? Also, wheres..." I looked around the room and found Pollie standing at the doorway of my room.

"Um... I'm really sorry... I'M REALLY SORRY THE GREAT SLAYER-GOD-SAMA!!!", Pollie apologized at the top of her lungs.

I smirked, "Relax, I've already forgiven you."

Drogo protested, "Huh?! B-but Slayer-God-Sa-"

"Just Slayer-sama is fine, please... Both of you...", I interrupted.

"Right, Slayer-sama, is that all you have to say?! She almost murdered you!! You would've been dead right now!! There has to be some kind of punishment?!"

"Drogo... Shut up...", Mazi spoke. "Ruka has already decided that there would be no punishment.

"No...", Pollie whispered but then exclaimed, "I need punishment!! The-!! Slayer-sama!! Please!! I deserve punishment..."

I took a minute to decide her fate and finally decided, "Fine... Then your punishment would be to... Tell me everything."

Every single person in the room had the look of seeing a ghost.

I sighed and explained more thoroughly, "Pollie I want you to explain to me your life here in DKO and how you got a hold of bombs in a sword combat game..."

"That's... That doesn't sound like a punishment though Slayer-sama...", Pollie whimpered.

"Yes, it is. Because I order you to."

"...Okay. It all started when I left Jean."

"You really go?", a eight year old Jean asked the one age younger Pollie.

"Yeah, this end of us. Sayonara Jean!", Pollie whimpered.

After that Pollie left Jean and her hometown. Then when she went to another school, met knew friends, and she already had a new boyfriend in sixth grade. Her new boyfriend was a gamer and had introduced her to Dim Knights Online when they went to his house to give it a go.

"Waah!! Everything looks so really!!", Pollie exclaimed at the sight beyond her years. Her boyfriend chuckled and told her even more greats things in DKO. Until, midnight hit that very day, where everyone present in DKO was stuck there.

The words of the mysterious people scarred both Pollie and her boyfriend and the sight of what they saw in Dim City. Pollie's boyfriend grabbed her wist and pulled her with him.

Her boyfriend pulled and pulled, until they were out of DKO. "This is maddness... But Pollie, I swear I'll protect you!", her boyfriend announced.

The two couple trained together, survived together, and her boyfriend taught Pollie a cheat that ended horribly.

"Hey, Pollie come here I want to show you something!", Pollie's boyfriend gestured a sign to come. Pollie obeyed like a dog and sat near his side under the tree he was under.

The two were both at a high cliff with the tree near the end of the cliff where a waterfall and a river was to be seen.

Pollie's boyfriend showed some signs with his hands and lightening suddenly strikes in broad daylight.

"Kyaa!! Huh?", Pollie opened one of her eyes to see a screen in front of her, receiving bombs.

"It's an unlimited amount of bombs I've created when we were together! I've been meaning to give it to you for some time. I hope you like it! It'll protect you and keep you from ever being lonely!", her boyfriend said proudly.

Pollie thanked her boyfriend and gave him a huge hug.

Then suddenly a dark shadow appeared before the two. "I smell two little cheaters, you two deserve to be punished..." The dark shadow pulled out a giant dark black, with shadow emerging from it, scythe.

"It's an npc!! Pollie run for it!! I'll stay behind and buy you some time to escape!!", Pollie's boyfriend shouted and pulled out his sword. "B-but!"

Before Pollie could finish her protest her boyfriend pushed her off the cliff they were heading their end. "At least one of us will survive this.", were Pollie's boyfriend's last words before a scythe was pummeled into her boyfriend's heart. The last thing Pollie saw was her boyfriend's last smile to her.


After that Pollie started a rampage to kill all the npcs that she ever met, even the ones in towns.

"Then I met that elf lady and Slayer-sama's brother and here we are!!", Pollie concealed her explaining and had her attention back on me.

"That is all! Anything else you want me to spit out?"

"Nope. That's all, thank you very much Pollie.", I smiled at Pollie and her gloomy face turned into a sun.

"You may have received punishment from Slayer-sama but I think you need more for having a boyfriend at this age!!", Drogo scold.

"Onii-chan! You will never understand!! You never had a girlfriend ever since high school!! Plus your girlfriend didn't die for you did she?!", Pollie argued.

"Okay, now that's going too far you two!!", Mazi was going to shut the two siblings up but Ricky stepped in.

Ricky slapped them both on their right cheeks. "Never mention this topic again you hear me?!", Ricky shot a glare at the two as she remembered the time where her 'love' died in vain.

"Ricky...", I comforted her by getting up from my bed and patted her on her shoulder. "Tsk!", was all Ricky said before she stormed out of the hut.

"Grr... What the hell is wrong with her?!", Drogo groaned as he rubbed his fatty cheek. Mazi was also confused by the sudden outburst of Ricky. They both known Ricky for being a cheerful and energetic woman but had never knew her past.

I sighed, "I'll tell you about."

Meanwhile, Ricky was sitting on a log bench in front of the hut she exited. Izzy came out and sat next to Ricky on the bench. "Ricky...", Izzy called out, waiting for Ricky to respond to her call. Ricky release her breath, "Sorry, I just can't seem to forget about her... Damn..." Ricky covered her eyes from letting Izzy noticed her eyes running. "Why do they have to mention about their love... Dying... In vain... Why?"

Then Ricky chuckled but then it turned sorrow once again. "Ha, I'm already thirty seven years old, and yet... If only... Amy was still here... I wouldn't... Be acting like a fool to a twelve year old..."

"Ricky onee-chan!!" Izzy pulled Ricky into Izzy embrace by holding onto her head while standing up. "The past is the past! You have to move on and accept it! Besides, Amy is still with us! In our hearts!"

Ricky struggle the tears to overflow but couldn't. That day Ricky finally let all her tears for Amy all go away.

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