CH 10 Emotions

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The breakfast was decent enough to battle for glory.

Mazi aggreed to help me to see if I've gain back all my strength before I leave for Feturling Town to meet up with Jean, Izzy, and Ricky.

Mazi had a level 28 Miao Dao, while I had my level 20 Long Sword.

The count down started. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... START!!

I went with my all while Mazi didn't move an inch. Once I've began to slash at him, a high pace speed blocked my attack and countered. I thankfully dodged it but Mazi suddenly appeared in front of my eyes! Mazi went for a jab and I barely missed it, leaving a scratch on my cheek. Mazi's eyes were glowing with a bright yellow. It was a savage skill! Mazi came at me again! At full power I managed to pin him to the ground. Mazi pushed me off and pinned me down with his sword pointing at me straight downwards. He started to plundge downward but stopped inches away from my eye being splattered.

The timer has reached its limit as Mazi got off of me. Mazi's eye went back to its multicolored state.

Mazi apologized, "Um, I'm sorry! It seems to happen ever now and then. I'm not doing it on purpose! I'm sorry!"

"Its alright! I'm mean savage is a hard skill to control isn't it? Plus rare to achieve!"

I heard that savage can be conquer if the person has learn to have a grudge or hate someone deeply enough to kill another. Although, I've never seen a guy who seems to be familier with virtual reality games who can't control their skill til now. Maybe his grudge was a heavy too much? Maybe he really did despise his parents that he would want to kill them so much to sacrifice his life? Or he might've even...

"Yeah... Hey since you're all better now want to head to Feturling Town to meet up with your friends?"

I nodded in agreement and we walked off.

Feturling Town was more crowded than usual. We pushed ourselves to a mini small hotel called, Little Sheeps.

The lobby was filled with soft wool and I've found Jean and Izzy sitting at a coffee table playing with some cards.

Izzy noticed that I've arrived at the hotel and spouted, "Ruka onee-chan!!"

Jean followed, "Senpai!!"

The two children ran over to me and gave me a hug. Being stuck in the middle of the lobby where other people were staring in confusion or thinking it was very cute.

I hugged back, then stated, "Hey where's Ricky?"

Jean released me and replied, "Ricky is in her room. Still in bed. She still hasn't came out of her bed ever since..."

Izzy looked up at me. "She wouldn't talk to me. But maye she'll talk to you! You are amazing after all!"

Flatter, I agreed and was dragged off to the elevator. I looked around to see if Mazi was still there, he wasn't. Maybe he had other places to go.

I entered the room and saw a two twin beds on each side, with a humongous window on the middle wall of the room.

Izzy walked up next to the bed with the lumpy blanket.

"Ri-chan.", Izzy muttered. "Onee-chan came back."

Izzy bended down and listened to what Ricky had to whisper.

Izzy then walked away from the bed and walked up to me, "Ri-chan wants to talk to you alone." Izzy tugged on Jean's sleeve and both exited out of the room.

I walked up to the lumpy blanket.

Thereverland was a silence for a while but then Ricky poked out one eye from the blanket to see if it was me.

"Hey Ricky." I could see the reddness in her eye and how swollen it is. She must've poured out all of her emotions for 3 days.

Ricky covered her face once more. This time I sat down on the bed.

"Look, I'm sorry for your lost. I feel sad too, but cheer up at least you're still alive."

A twitch came upon the blanket. Then the blanket was torn off the bed and Ricky came on top of me with a butter knife. The knife was aiming for my neck. I gripped onto the knife from stabbing me and pushed her off the bed.

"At least I'm alive!? What are you talking about!? Amy is dead!! I couldn't live without her!! She was my angel!! My youth!! I loved her!! It would have been better if I died protecting her!! But I wasn't strong enough for her!! Being alive sucks!! I rather die now then live a miserable life not seeing the person you love the most!!" Ricky then brought the knife up to her chest and aimed at my once more.

"Which reminds me... You tried to save her didn't you? But you didn't did you!? I could tell that you didn't care for Amy at all and just pretend to save her!! Isn't that right!?"

Grinding my teeth I stated, "I did care about her!! But I was too late!!"

"Liar!! You're 'The Slayer' aren't you!? The best slash bloody player in DKO history right!? Try explaining you bitch!!!" Ricky came towards me with full speed.

She was really fast that I got small scratches on my entire body.

Then Ricky came on top of me with knife in hand as I tried to reach to the bedside table for the empty plate. Ricky was ready to pruge but once I threw the plate that smashed into pieces on the wooden floor, Jean and Izzy brusted open the door.

With surprised looks Izzy called out our names and Jean ran over to pull the knife out of Ricky's hands. The knife wouldn't budge from the clutches of Ricky.

Then suddenly a knife was pludged in the chest of Jean. The second most critical spot to hit. Blood came gushing out as Jean blacked out on the ground. To Ricky she started to chuckle a little but soon came brusting into tears as she stares at the bloody Jean.

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