CH 30 French Fun

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In the rumored town of love, the Vultures have one mission and only one.

"Mazi! We shall explore the whole town of Sylite and fall in love! No one can interrupt! We are destined!", with that Pollie dragged Mazi down the street and disappeared in the crowds. Then Jean and Izzy spotted a playground and went together to play, with Figro and Hiroto following along.

Meanwhile, Drogo was fidgeting like a small fan girl. "Um, R-Ricky... I-I was j-just w-wonder-ing... If you would like to go get some grub!", Drogo stuttered.

"Oh, sure. You coming Ruka?", Ricky turned her attention towards my way, waiting for an answer to fly out of my mouth. I notice how Drogo was suddenly shot down and knew that he wanted to be just him and Ricky.

"Nah, I'm fine. You guys go ahead and have fun.", I declined the offer. In an instant, Drogo's face lighten up into a sun and the two went off to fill their stomach's satisfactory.

I sighed as I sat down on the edge of a fountain. There was finally peace and quiet for me although there was this sting in my chest. I wonder, is Mazi having a good time. I felt my face heat up and pulled on an irritated expression. "Hola, cómo estas?", a familer voice was spoken in my direction.

I groaned, "First French. Now Spanish. The hell, I told you if you're playing a ENGLISH game, speak the language..."

Edgar, without his black and white mask, laughed, "I just said how are you!" I gave him a 'tsk' and mummer, "I know what that means. It's not I was taking Spanish class for nothing." Edgar heard what I said and exclaimed, "Then! If you know how to speak Spanish, then let's speak it!"

I swear I saw some petals flowing around him as he stood up from the fountain, and posed, with his hand on his chest and another hand reaching towards me. "Me llamo Ed-"

"Shut up.", I glared. I really hated guys who show off their affection. Then I heard a groan coming from Edgar. "You're so pushy! What do you want me to even say then?!"

Irritated, again, I told him, "I already told you. Maybe you should clean your ears, the wax in them are making you deaf." A texture of a glove was pressed between my eyebrows.

Edgar was pressing his index finger at my furrowed eyebrows. "Are you stressed?", Edgar suddenly asked. I blinked a couple times to think if he was okay or not. "No, because your here."

Edgar sighed playfully, "That's mean Ruka-chan~!" Edgar somehow brought me onto my feet by my hands. At the sudden pull, I lost my balance and landed on Edgar's chest. A pair of arms wrapped around me like a cage and I was the bird!

"I've caught you! Now! You shall come with me!!", Edgar shouted and ran off with me over his shoulder. "This is kidnapping!! I'm going to sue you!!", I screamed as I struggled around his grasp. "C'mon Ruka-chan! I just want you to have a little fun!"

I fell silent over the word 'fun' and took it the wrong way. "Ha? Y-you molester!! Let me go dammit!! Molester!! Someone help!! He's kidnapping me and he says he's going to molest me!!"

A sigh escaped Edgar's mouth as I felt him putting me down. "Ouch... Right in the puso... (heart...)" I stared at him with a disgusted look. "You have a pussy?", I questioned. Another sigh escaped from Edgar again, "Just enjoy the show princesa~." (Princess~)

Edgar's presence disappeared in front of me. Then I finally noticed that I was in a dark room and in a comfy chair. I heard small talk and people laughing, giggling, and screaming...

Lights appeared in the middle of my view and I also noticed that I'm in the front row. The lights opened up a shine of masked people on the stage before me. The actors were wearing fancy clothing and the crowd jumped out of their seats. About the maximum of twenty five fans were present in the auditorium: mostly were girls. "Welcome!!", a deep voice greeted. After a few greetings from each one of the actors the play was started.

"Did you like it Ruka-chan?!", Edgar was up in my face when he asked. We were outside the auditorium and on another fountain in town. "I'm impressed. For a guy who pisses the crap out of me, you have a knack in acting.", I smirked. "Vraiment (Really)?!", Edgar shouted with eyes that sparkled like glitter. "Sure...", a sweat fell from my cheek. A grumbling sound erupted in my stomach. Edgar stared at me for a moment and starts to laugh. "How about I treat you to lunch as well Ruka-chan?", Edgar gave me a wide mouth opened smile, with his hand held out towards me. I gently pushed away his hand with the back of my palm and stood up, brushing off the invisible dust. "It's alright. I should be getting back with my friends anyways...", I started to walk off until Edgar grabbed my arm. "One more thing! I just want to do one more thing with you!"

The next thing I knew, I was eating a chocolate crepe. "I didn't know there were crepes in this game...", muttered. "It taste different then the ones I used to taste..."

"You're Japanese right? That crepe is actually a French crepe! Oh course it would taste different then the one your used to! The sweetness! The texture! Everything!", Edgar explained in a dramatic form to tick me off. "I see...", I said as I gave him a smile and a irritated eyebrow scrunched downwards. I noticed a faint blush in Edgar's cheeks and stopped smiling instantly. Edgar sat down next to me on the fountain.

"You remind me of a girl I used to like.", he confessed his reason of being with me. "One day I was going to proposed to her as my girlfriend with a ring! Although, when I went into the position in giving it to her... SHE DECLINED IT INSTANTLY!!!" I thought to myself, "Dude... Maybe she thought you wanted to marry her... Oh course she would say no!"

Edgar clutched his hands on his head. "She said she already liked someone! Then after school, I saw her confessing to the guy!! The guy... He was the top richest, smartest, and handsomest student in the entire school!! He was my arch nemesis!! His looks... He has a scar on his right cheek! A piercing with a small diamond earring on his left ear! He would always wear a hoodie and a coat over that! He was a perfect person! Tell me Ruka! Would yo fall for a guy like that?!"

Dumbfounded, I answered, "Well he is the top guy in the school, plus he's rich and smart who wouldn't?"

"Exactly!!", Mazi exclaimed. "That is why he is my arch nemesis!! I wanted to be the top guy!! I had a better personality!! I had better looks!! I would be a better boyfriend than him!! Haa... When the girl confessed to him. He said he already likes someone and declined her confession... The girl was so beautiful... She was also a perfect person, yet he..." I noticed Edgar gritting his teeth and clenching his fists as he removed them from his head.

I knew he wanted some time alone, so I said nothing and stood on my feet. I began to walk away but a grip stopped me from doing so, it was Edgar. I turned towards him and he suddenly pulled me towards him. I quickly shut my eyes, I knew what was going to happen.

We were about to collide into one another when strong arms tore us apart. I still had my eyes lids shut but I felt the pair of strong arms wrapped around my body, as if I'm being hugged towards the owner's chest.

"You!!", I heard Edgar scream.

I slowly opened my eyes to see who was holding me. The first thing I saw was his grey shirt. I looked up and saw who it was.


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