CH 31 Bloodlust

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"Why are you everywhere?!", I heard Edgar scream. "Stop interrupting my life that I want to live in!! Why?! Why are always there when I like someone...", Edgar whimpered.

My eyes slightly widen and realized that Edgar likes me. "What?" The grip in Mazi's arms became tighter. Mazi had furrowed brows and it looked as if he was glaring at Edgar and knew who he is.

Mazi finally lets go of me and stood up on his feet. "Ed. I didn't interrupted your love life. You interrupted mine." I was shocked and confused at the same time by Mazi's comment. "W-what?"

"You interrupted me first! Anaka confessed to you! I really... I loved her!! Then you just made her fall for you instead of me!! Grr... Why do you have to exist?!", Edgar shouted. Mazi replied back, "I didn't make her. She chose to fall for me. I didn't even do anything to her. Yet she-" Edgar grabbed Mazi and hoisted him up a wall.

There was a silence between the two as they stood still in their position. There was a crowd forming in the scene as they wondered what was all the commotion about. I stood up from the ground and walked towards them. Then I reach a hand towards them to stop but I was interrupted. "Why won't we settle this with a duel?", Edgar smirked. Mazi narrowed his eyes as Edgar went on. "The duel would be against you and me, using one weapon only! The winner would get Ruka! The loser... Should never speak or go near Ruka ever again!"

"Um... Wait a minute-", I started but was cut off by Mazi. "Deal.", Mazi smirked.

A screen popped up for Mazi as he slips out of Edgar's grip. He pushed it immediately and the health bars of both Edgar and Mazi were shown above our heads.

The two both drew their swords from their inventories, and readied for the battle to begin.

The timer counted, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... START!

Both men clashed at the same time. Edgar ducked and aim his blade at the abdominal. Mazi swiftly dodges to the right and kicked Edgar's left side, causing him to fly and hit a wall. The wall grew a gigantic hole in itself as Edgar was tore off the wall by gravity. Mazi charged at the fallen Edgar like a mad bull. Edgar quickly went up on his knees and blocked Mazi's next attack. Edgar then tried to swing his foot across the ground, knocking Mazi off his feet.

They were both rolling on the floor, fighting like a snake and a mouse. Edgar had his sword below Mazi's chin and his legs were also wrapped around him. Mazi was struggling against Edgar with all of his might. Mazi's sword was kicked to the side by Edgar from letting him from having any reach of his sword.

Edgar's sword was at the tip of Mazi's throat and the sword slightly brushed against Mazi's skin, causing a small amount of red to flow down his neck.

During a PvP match, no one can interfere, but I need to stop them from hurting each other before they actually have the urge for blood lust!

"Oh my god! They're like yanderes!!", Ricky shouted right out of nowhere. I jolted from her suddenly appearance that I stuttered, "R-Ricky?! W-what are you doing here?! I t-thought you were on a date with Drogo!"

Ricky backed away and remarked, "I was, I was." Then Ricky sighed, "We didn't get to even enter the god damn place! I mean, there was a big ass line! So, I thought why not I go find another restaurant? Drogo agreed and waited in line. I, on the other hand, had to go search for another restaurant with less people, so that we can just eat and move on with life! But then! I saw this fight! Oh Man! Ruka! You got two yanderes on your side!!"

"Yanderes? No... I wouldn't really...", I stopped mid-sentence to crouch into my legs. I groaned, "I don't even know... Help me Ricky..."

A body came flying towards us. The body slammed into me and we both went flying back, falling into a fountain.

I shook myself from the water flowing in my face, to see who the body was. It was Mazi and his eye had a familiar color, yellow. The same color as we fought once before! His 'savage skill'. Mazi came off of me before I knew it.

Edgar and Mazi fought each other once more, both had their HP below 70% Edgar was at 56, while Mazi was at 68. It was too late. The two had their minds set to bloodlust. Their faces grew wider and wider as they were searching for death. Even everyone around us wanted to scurry for seeing such nightmares.

"ENOUGH!!" A loud, heavy voice rang through all of our ears. We search through crowds with our eyes to find the owner of the voice was. It was...

Dora, the co-leader of the 'Book of Rest', was present in at the scene.

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