CH 35 A Blink of Luck

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A rock came down the middle of where I was stuck between the two other rocks. I squeezed my eyes tightly as I hoped that a miracle might happened.

After a moment of silence, I glanced around my surrounds. There were no more rocks falling, no more voices heard, all there was were the two boulders on my sides and one above me. It created a roof above me but my right foot was still stuck under the heavy object.

Once again, I tried pulling and pushing but both methods did not work. After a rest to catch my breath, I heard a familiar sound from the guild messenger.

Ricky: "Ruka!!! Reply if you are conscious!!!"

Izzy: "Onee-chaaaaaan!!!!!!!!"

Jean: "Senpaaaaaaaaaaai!!!!!!!"

Pollie: "Slayer-samaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!"

Drogo: "Slayer-God-Samaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mazi:" ... Ruuuuuukaaaaa?????"

Zai: "... What's going on?"

Ruka: "... SHUT... UP..."

Jean: "Senpai!! You're alive!! Ricky it worked!!!"

Ruka: "Yes you guys, being really annoying really helps..."

Drogo: "You are wlecome!"

Ruka: "You still can't type Drogo."

Drogo: "Insert derp face"

Ruka: "Anyways, today on hiking with the Vultures we have a helpless little girl trapped between three boulders. But it helped shelter her from anymore rocks falling down to crush her. Any injures? YES. An injured, maybe broken, foot under a big boulder. Who knows what will happen to the girl next? Find out when we come back after the break."

Izzy: "Nooooo!!! Come back!!!"

Ricky: "Some luck you have there."

Ruka: "I KNOW."

Pollie: "You're stuck?!"

Mazi: "Should we come and get you?"

Ruka: "I told you, I'll be fine!! I can get out of this by myself!! Stop worrying about me! What about you guys? Anybody hurt?"

Zai: "My heart..."

Ruka: "... Zai? Or rather... Kumari?"

Zai: "Yes, yes it is me Rukachi! <3"

Ricky: "What did he do?!"

Zai: "He broke my heart."

Ruka: "Yeah, but what did he do to have your heart broken?"

Zai: "He tripped over the stool, and broke my crystal heart. So, I had my heart broken."

Ruka: "... Well, I'm not gonna bother asking how you're typing using Zai's account. So, see you guys later!!"

Zai: "Zai, fell asleep with this messenger on."

Ruka: "... See you guys later."

I disconnected myself from the guild to not listen to the chatter all day long and get annoyed. Then I tried to remove myself from the boulder once again, but to no avail.

An idea sprung into my head and I went into my inventory, to bring out Hiroto. 

"Dono!! Are you alright?!", Hiroto asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine but I need your help. Can you evolve into your bigger form and push this rock off?"

Hiroto nodded and transformed into the size that I first met him. He roared and broke into the rocky roof and kicked off all of the rocks surrounding both of us. I let out a gasp as the rock slid off my foot and down the mountain. I held back the tears of pain that escalated throughout the one foot.

Hiroto changed back to his small size and came by the side of my foot with a worried expression and tears in his eyes.

I stared at my bloody crushed foot. "It's alright Hiroto. It's not going to kill me or anything.", I tried my best to give a smile at Hiroto. Hiroto bend his neck and brushed his nose against my bloody shoe. I gave a small pat on his back as he kept brushing along my foot.

I took out some bandages from my inventory and wrapped it around my foot. It stung but it heal 3% of my health.

"Dono, where are the others?", Hiroto questioned as he glanced around his surroundings.

"Oh, they should be in the cave up ahead or along the path.", I said as I hoisted myself up and used the rocky wall as support. 

"Couldn't you just message them using the thing?", Hiroto asked.

"I could, but it would lead to a never ending conversation. By the way, could you smell other dragons or people?" Hiroto nodded.

"Could you sniff out where Figro or Izzy went?" Hiroto nodded once again before taking off forward. I tried to keep up but of course I fell behind. 

Suddenly I saw the golden cat eyes again. It once again gave me a headache and I stumbled down to my knees with my hands clutched to my head.

After a moment to myself Hiroto came back to me with a worried expression. "What's wrong Dono?" I replied back, "It's just a headache, no biggy." I stood up using the wall once again and wondered what Hiroto sniffed out.

"They went up along he path! Follow me Dono!!", Hiroto said before taking off, but this time he waited for me to catch up.

After a couple of miles up the mountain Hiroto suddenly stopped. "I can't smell them anymore...", Hiroto said with concern. I patted Hiroto's head and said, "It's okay Hiroto, you've done your best. Now get some rest okay?" Hiroto went back into my inventory and I glanced at where I was.

There was a small mountain house on a tall cliff. I had a feeling that everyone went up to the house to rest, since it was getting dark.

Once I was on the steps of the front door, I gave it a knock twice. After a few minutes of silence the door slowly creaked open, a dark black shadow slowly revealed itself. I jolted from the shadow as it asked what I wanted from him.

"Um, I was wondering if you met a group of people here... About a total of six people?"

The shadow shook it's head furiously and slammed the door shut. I figured that it didn't want me around, so I decided to walk away. Until, I heard the door open once again and to be greeted by a short beige, green haired child. 

"Please come in, I want to treat you're wounded aren't you?", the child asked.

"Oh, I'll be fine. You can go off to what you were doing.", I declined his offer and began to walk away.

"Someone hurt needs to be treated!"

I glanced back at the boy, he seemed to be a stubborn kid, so I was welcomed in the house.

After bandaging my injured foot, the child brought me some refreshments. He sat down on another sofa on the opposite side of the coffee table where I was. 

There was silence between us and I decided to break it. "Thank you for all this. But I think I should get going.", I said as I staggeringly stood up. 

The child suddenly raised his voice at me. "Wait! I... I want to talk to you! Um... You see... I haven't talked to anyone in such a time..."

I couldn't say no to the child so I sat back down right away. "Um! My name is Faron! What is yours?", Faron stuttered.

"My name is Ruka."

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