CH 7 Quester

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With silver locks, long eyelashes, and the shape that would make any women fall for. 'Quester.'

Flipping his hair back, he grew a grin on his face.

"Gasp!! Onii-chan!!!", Izzy shrilled.

"Quester!!", Amy screamed.

Quester snickered, "Ha! Aren't you doing well Amy!!"

"I don't want trouble!! Please go away!!"

Quester got annoyed. "Shut up woman!! You don't know the feeling of happiness!! The joy!! Of people's suffering!!""

"Onii-chan!! Why do this?! Don't you care about me?!", Izzy shouted.

"Pfft! You brat!! I wanted you to die from the very start!! But you two just had to get in my fun!!!" Quester glanced at Jean and I and gave an evil look. Then Quester mocked, "Who knew 'The Slayer' would come back to this world after what had happen?! Huh?! Ru, ka, chan!!!"

Hesitating with fear, the words flashed back to the past.

Quester... We used to be in the same guild. 'Book of Rest.' The number 1 guild in DKO. The guild specializes in protecting and helping people who actually needs help. One day, I was scouting around Dim City. There was a commotion nearby, people were fighting each other. One lost to the other and the battle ended. With the winner walking away with the loot. The opponent somehow still has his sword out even though the battle ended, and Dim City doesn't allow swords in hand except the 'Book of Rest.' The guy sliced off the winner's head, I drew out my sword, told him to halt as he tried to chop off others' heads as well. The guy land an attack on me, I blocked it and threw a barrier spell to the ground. The spell made a barrier to block off other people from interfering or get hurt. The guy was not backing down even if his health is 35%. I told him to turn himself in but instead of giving up he tries to plunge another attack. Releasing 'Fast Break' the guy instantly gave up, smiled, and I chopped him up into pieces. Once I release 'Fast Break' there was no way to stop. 'Fast Break' was my last option to an opponent who wouldn't back down no matter what I do. This was my first time showing 'Fast Break' to such innocent people around me. Eyes filled with terror as the blood from the guy's body flooded every inch of his body. After a few days from a taking a break of DKO, I found out that the guy was Quester in disguise. He wanted people to see my true form as 'The Slayer' and he was the source of all the rumors. In the game, Quester was known as the gullible guy, but all he wanted was to see people suffer. I was his main favorite. I broke down and never touched DKO after that, since it was also the time where video games took my family away.

"Senpai...", Jean whimpered as he knew what had happened in the past.

Ricky gripped her sword and blurted, "HEY!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROKE AMY'S HEART DIDN'T YOU?!?"

Quester chuckled, "Heh! Heh! What about it?!?"

Ricky gritted her teeth and gripped onto her sword even tighter. "YOU'LL PAY!!!"

Ricky started dashing towards the dragon. The dragon flew up into the air and coughed up fireballs forming a circle of flames around all of us. Quester pulled out a bag of dust, threw it into the flames, and smoke appeared from every direction. We all couldn't see anything. The smoke made it harder to breath. We tried to find our way to find each other. We all found each other except for one.

"KYAAAAA!!!!" The shriek came into the direction from our right. Once we've reach to the end of the smoke, we saw no one other than Amy clutched in the dragon's claws.

Quester's evil smile shown as he snapped his fingers. The dragon started to grip hold of Amy even tighter, causing her to lose her voice. We all ran as fast as we could towards the dragon. I jumped up to save Amy but... Amy broke into crystals and a beam of light shines upon her... Amy is dead.

Tears overwhelmed us all but Ricky was the worse.


Quester laughed even madder, "Her love for me was so pitiful and stupid that it just wanted to make me toy around with her a little bit! Heh! Guess I 'played' to hard!!"

Grinding her teeth Ricky raged and skeletons were forming out of the smoke.

We all drew out our swords, we needed to stay calm but Ricky was charging at Quester. The dragon flicked Ricky away with its tail and Ricky landed face down, but she still had fighting spirit. I knew I had to help.

Jean and Izzy said they could managed the skeletons. Trusting my teamates I raced to Ricky as the dragon slowly puts it's hand out to grab. Pouring a water spell on my sword I released a massive wave behind the dragon. I grabbed Ricky out of the wave's path and the dragon drowned into the wave. Quester jumped off the head and pulled out a level 41 wide and long hachiwara.

I knew I had no chance against that sword. Should I break out 'Fast Break?'

A screen popped up before I could do anything. The screen said it was a gift from Ruka. Ruka wailed, "Ruka!! Use it!!"

'Dyrnwyn' The level 45 sword was the gift. Surprised to see it burn in flames as I drew it out but Quester was already inches away from me. Hitting sword to sword we were evenly matched. I kicked his knee to make him fall but he jumped into the air as I backed away.

Meanwhile the skeletons started to form together and create a massive skeleton with a huge hatchet. Jean and Izzy were oversized but still fought on. While Ricky tried to stand but fell on her knees everytime. Ricky could heal herself but the potions only healed 10% of her health, which didn't do much. At times like these Amy would be the one to help out with the healing but she isn't here anymore... Is she?

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