CH 12 Ricky's Past

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The smell of alstromeria woken me up from my slumber. I am currently 12 years old and wearing a big white shirt that can be mistaken for a dress.

"Ricky!!", my mom was calling me from down stairs. "Come get your lunch!!"

I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could once I wore my black school blazer with the collared shirt and skirt. My skirt was thigh high so high that I liked to wear mini shorts underneath.

In the kitchen, my mom placed my lunch for school on the counter where I picked it up and left for school. But then I was stopped mid-way by the sound of bottles breaking. As I turned the next corner to the sound I saw a bloody mess. A woman was struck to the ground as the neighborhood gathered around. I stood there shaking in fear as if this was the first time seeing such a scene in my life.

In school I couldn't concentrate at all. When the teacher called on me I didn't respond. I was too deep in thought to notice the teacher calling me and the teacher wanted me to go to the nurse's office to rest. I did as I was told. The nurse was there and she said that I was just too distracted by the memory of blood that if I rested for a bit the memories would fade away at least until school was over. The rest helped and it was soon lunch time.

I sat with my friends in the cafeteria. My friends had the school's lunch while I had my mom's rice with egg rolls, a side of sausage and vegetables. My friends are the ones that usually do the talking. I never knew what to talk about since they are only into shopping, having boyfriends, and movies. I'm only interested in video games. Lately I've been playing this game called Dim Knights Online. It's where you become a knight and interact with people like me or work to become strong, to compete in the tournaments for prizes. It's been quite fun these days. My dream actually is to meet someone online and fall in love with them... Although, it rarely happens...

After a few more classes of boredom, it was after school! Where clubs are being held. My mom actually forced me to join the literature club, even though I have absolutely hate reading! I rather join the athletes club. Since I'm more active and into video games as well. So maybe in high school I'll join the gaming club and sports club.

Literature club was the same as always. All we did was read, read, and read. Pretty boring. I'm always the first one to leave early after a chapter or two from a gigantic book I've been reading for 9 months and still haven't finished it.

The book was mainly about a girl who wants love no matter what, and would kill anyone who would go near him or make a pass of him. But once she confess to the guy she kills him. Then she suddenly finds a new love! Then the same thing happens over and over again... It got pretty boring... So when reading, I just pretend to read but I'm actually thinking of what I should do in Dim Knights Online. The time goes by fast like that.

The day soon flew away to dusk and I quickly hurried home after I heard a clang of a can.

Both of my parents were home and the smell of dinner caught my nose. Dad was already at the kitchen table and drinking, while moaning about something. Mom noticed me and told me to go shower and come back downstairs to eat.

After the meal of steak, it was 9 o'clock. I already did my homework in school so all I could do now until it was 10 is DKO.

DKO is still as beautiful when I last came on. The graphics were just plain amazing that there were no other words to describe it.

In Ginao Swamp I got caught in some vines and was slowly being sucked in by poison as my health bar slowly drops. My screen soon turned black as a signal that my avatar has fainted.

After 10 minutes I was awoken. The sight on my screen was as beautiful as an angel. With brown luxurious hair and dark brown eyes. She caught my breath as she typed, "Are you okay?" I replied to her that I was okay and thanked her. She was glad that she could help helpless people and told me her name. Her name was Amy.

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