why do people write xd like no it's XD it's a face it doesn't mean anything

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That's the first thing that popped into my head 


Ray: Maybe I should be president. I'd make a national cookie day. On that day we enjoy not one, but TWO cookies


Frank: What are you, five?

Gerard: Yeah, five heads taller than you




Gerard: I'm sorry please don't kill me


Frank in the middle of the night: Can centaurs slap their own asses to go faster?

Gerard: *unsheathes a knife*


Mikey, drunk: Love is cheap but...this booze is cheaper

Ray, concerned: This is just vinegar


Frank, rolling down the window of the car: Is there a problem, officer?

Cop: Get out of my car


*playing truth or dare*

Ray: I dare Gerard to call his dad

Gerard: Pfft, that's it? *takes out phone* Siri, call Dad

Siri: Calling 'daddy'

Gerard: NO NO NO-

*frank's phone rings*

Ray and Mikey:

Frank and Gerard:


Frank: *sighs* no one really likes me

Gerard: Are you sure about that?

Frank: Yeah

Gerard, aggressively pointing to himself: ARE YOU REALLY FUCKING SURE??


Ray: Are you alright? You didn't get any sleep last night

Gerard: I got a solid eight minutes

Gerard: Not consecutively, but it's fine. You're not even that blurry


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