i have a song stuck in my head but idk if its an original song or a cover hhhelp

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Mikey: I wish there was a reverse oven, so you could cool your food down

Frank: You mean...a fridge?


Mikey: OH YEAH


Gerard: Doesn't getting tattoos hurt?

Frank: My need for the aesthetic far outweighs the pain


Gerard: YES I'm gay. YES I have a vampire fetish. NO I don't know my times tables. We exist.

Frank: Who needs time tables when you're getting railed by a vampire?

Gerard: Finally someone who GETS IT


Frank: You're on speaker. Behave.

Gerard: Or what, you'll spank me?



Everyone listening to Frank's phone:


Ray: Americans are weird. Some of them don't even know what DC means and it's their country's capital.

Mikey: Bullshit, prove it.

Ray: Frank, what does DC stand for?

Frank: Da Capital, duh



Gerard: I'm a really nice person once you get past my 5 layers of shyness, awkwardness, fear, vague dislike, and loneliness.


Ray: I personally find Frank adorable and small, not to mention very easy to pick up!

Frank: *squirming in Ray's arms* just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean you can MAKE FUN OF MY HEIGHT

Ray: *starts swaying him back and forth* aww aren't you just adorable :)


Mikey, staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand: And here, you can see the endangered Gerard in its natural habitat

Gerard: *falls down the stairs, spilling cereal everywhere*

Mikey: Natural selection is coming for this specimen 


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