fuck school

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Gerard: I've only slept three hours over the past four days. So I'm right on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Gerard: *bites into his phone*

Gerard: this isn't a bagel


Gerard: That girl you just called hot? That me


Frank: That's ridiculous, Gerard doesn't have a crush on me!

Ray: Yes he does

Mikey: Yes he does

Gerard: Yes I do


Mikey, texting Frank: I don't care where everyone ended up but is everyone alive and not in jail?

Frank, watching Ray being arrested for stealing batteries: Alive

Mikey: Not in jail?

Frank: *read 9:47 PM*

Mikey: FRANK


Ray: You should treat spiders how you want to be treated

Gerard, nodding: Killed without hesitation

Ray: NO-


Gerard: I'm playing a game. It's called "take a shot every time I feel sad"

Ray: that game exists and it's called alcoholism


Gerard: sorry guys I can't do this tour, stress is bad for the baby



The drummer:

The crew:

Frank: w

Frank: what baby

Gerard: me


Frank: hey gerard? How would you feel if on my way into the store I saw a lady selling puppies for ten dollars and-

Gerard: Frank if I turn around and you're holding a puppy I'm going to scream

Frank: I'm not holding a puppy

Frank: I'm holding six puppies


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