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Gerard: hey does anyone know how to play the trumpet

Ray: why?

Gerard: I wanna wander around the house and play one to annoy Mikey

Frank: technically you don't need to know how to play one to annoy him


Gerard: you have opened my eyes, Frank


Gerard: do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?

Ray: you're a hazard to society

Mikey: and a coward. Do twenty.


Gerard: hey can I call you daddy?

Ray: I- what?

Gerard: well you're like a father figure to me

Ray: oh sweet Jesus. Thank god.


Ray: it's...I'm at a loss for words!

Frank, narrating: despite being at a loss for words, he proceeded to yell at me for the next twenty minutes


Gerard: compliment me

Frank: you have eyes

Gerard: nice


Gerard: okay y'all. How do I ask a boy out.

Ray: roses are red, violets are blue, hey guess what, my bed has room for two

Gerard: OH MY GOD NO

Mikey: twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in my car

Gerard: STOP IT

Frank: row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, I can make you scream

Ray: I feel like that last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory


Ray: my mom was telling me that when I was little there was grasshopper on the car but I didn't know what grasshoppers were called so I pointed at it and said "look at that handsome man"

Ray: also I saw a salamander (which I was terrified of for some reason) and I had a nightmare so I woke my mom up in the middle of the night and said "the salad man is coming"


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