Bright Red Beauty

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Another boring day goes by. The only thing that made the dull days better were my friends. If it wasn't for them I probably would of dropped out and tried to be an underground rapper or something. Honestly they were the only reasons I showed up.

Ever since I was young I always seemed to be behind a piano. Sure I wanted to rap but for some reason I found myself playing countless notes on the black and white keys.

My father started to have me do competitions since my piano instructor said I had talent. I hated the competitions but if it wasn't for them I would of never of met my amazing friends.

I was accepted in a school for the gifted. Those who had amazing talents in whatever skill they had. Unlike most students though who stuck with other classmates who were in their same field, my friends and I come from different departments.

It's actually surprising how well we all got along. Most of us had no classes together and yet we still gravitated to one another through the years.

So here I am eating lunch with my five friends who I feel like I've known forever instead of the actual 4 years.

"It's so stupid."

"Wait what?" I've been in such a daze recently I wasn't even paying attention.

"Seriously? Some best friend....did you hear anything I said?"

"Sorry Tae hahaha please tell me again what's stupid?" Tae just rolled his eyes before he took in a deep breath before he spoke again.

"I said! My family is taking in a kid our age so he can go to school here."

"But what's stupid about it?" Namjoon who was sitting next to me asked.

"I have to share a room with him! What if he is weird? What if he snores? What if-"

"What if he is amazing and you finally get to stop being the maknae of our little friend group?" Jin interrupted him.

"Hyung you do know that just because you are of Korean decent doesn't mean we are a Kpop group. Right?" Jimin smiled before he took another bite of his food.

"Says the one that still calls him hyung." Hobi laughed.

"Oh come on you know he basically begged for us all to call him that since he is the oldest. Plus I want my friends happy."

"Such a softie. But I love you too." Jin winked at Jimin who looked so grossed out which made us all break out in laughter.

"So Tae when does he come?" I asked.

"In 2 days he starts next Monday. Hey I know it's a lot to ask but could you please-"

"Of course!" Namjoon said smiling as he showed his dimples.

"Dude you didn't even let him finish." Hobi smirked as he crossed his arms in amusement.

"Oh please he was going to ask us to come over there and save him from the new roommate." Namjoon said as he chugged the last of his drink before he stood up to throw away the trash on his tray.

"Okay he is right. So can I count on you?"

"First of course we can come over but it's another thing if we sleep over." Jimin stated as he crossed his arms.

I agree with his words, Tae does have a nice house but it isn't a mansion. We've had sleepovers there before and it was cramped with just the 6 of us now we have another person with their belongings to think about.

"Dude we can't sleep over. It would be too overwhelming for him." Jin said as he took another bite of his food.

"Fine but can one of you?" When he said one of you he only starred at me giving me puppy eyes.



"But I get the bed."

"Sounds like a good deal to me." Hobi laughed.

"Deal. But the rest of you are still coming over."

The next two days were uneventful except for Tae who wouldn't stop complaining. Tae's dad called him saying he is on his way back from the airport.

Jin and I were on the grill, Namjoon is making a salad, Jimin made some mashed potatoes, and Hobi is setting up the backyard. We talked with his dad and he agreed to having a BBQ outside would be welcoming to the new addition.

The sound of car doors opening and closing came to my ears soon enough Tae's fathers voice was loud and cheerful.

"Boys!" And that's our cue to meet him. Before I walked over with the others I took the last lamb chop off the grill. Don't want my precious meat turning to inedible dried out chalk when I get back from introducing myself.

I walked over and stood by Namjoon before I raised my head to look at the new boy.


I felt frozen.

I'm not even sure if I'm breathing.

The stunning new person in front of me had light blonde hair mixed with a bright red. With that color it made his gorgeous blue eyes pop. He wore a tight v-neck black shirt and very tight white ripped jeans.

Sure I live in America seeing people with dyed hair isn't new to me but seeing someone as stunning as him.....never.

I looked up to Namjoon who was elbowing me with his arm. Then I looked in front of me again to see the beautiful person but right in front of me. His eyes were large but his face was like he was in shock.

I took a breath in only to have his sweet perfume enter my nose. Oh my gosh he smells so good.


I broke out of my trance when he whispered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry what?" I questioned.

"Jungkook this is Yoongi, Yoongi this is Jungkook." Tae's father smiled as he came over to us. "Oh and thanks for cooking guys it looks great. Come let's eat!"

We were all ushered over to the table Hobi set up earlier. Jin grabbed the tray of different meat I left over by the grill. Everyone sat down and I of course was right across from the one I can't stop staring at.

Since the moment he spoke so softly he no longer made eye contact with me he just kept his head down. I don't know why but I felt sorta hurt by this action.

"So where are you from?" Jin asked as he poured everyone a glass of sprite.

"California for the past month. My family traveled a lot." His voice is so soft and sweet.

"Where is your family now?" Hobi questioned.

"Guys let's change topic shall we?"

"No it's okay Mr.Kim." Jungkook said as he gave them all a quick glance but locked eyes with me as he spoke. "My family was murdered it's just me now."

Silence. I for one was not expecting that.

"Listen Jungkook is gifted young man just like the rest of you. Once he was taken into foster custody and realized his talents they looked for foster families that could help manage his future. I already had a son attending this school so I was called."

"Dad why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not my story to tell son."

My eyes were still focused on the boy in front of me. Yes I believe his story but there is something more that he is hiding and I want to know.

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