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please, please, please! I'm almost at my- he just stopped. He pulls out, out of breath

"Damn that was good bae"

He says pulling me closer to him

"You came right?"


Almost, nigga damn! you never can make me cum! I thought maybe this one time!!!! The fact that he be going for what feels like forever but for half I don't feel anything.

Like I feel him in me just going but no feeling. I roll my eyes hearing his snores


I whisper hearing no response, I slowly get up putting on my clothes and shoes. I grab my phone and bag leaving out of his apartment.

As I'm walking down the hallway I hear familiar voices each step I took. I turn the corner seeing jahseh and peep goofing off making me smile.

"Ooh shit there go little red"

Peep says, they call me little red because trippy is my brother- twin brother


I say hugging them both

"What you doing here"

Peep asks

"Her ugly ass boyfriend lives next door to me"

Jahseh says making me push him a little

"Shut up"

I laugh

"How you feeling? you look a little pissed"

He says

"I am, I'm so over Justin..but I love him so"

"What he do? you need us to handle sum?"

Peep says getting serious

"Nah it's not like that it's just.."

I got quite making them scan my face, I think jah quickly caught on cause he started smiling

"If he ain't fucking you right just say that"

He said making me roll my eyes

"Shut up!"

I laugh


Peep says making me shake my head smiling

"You know you can always come get some from me"

Jah said winking at me

"You big mad you can see it in your face"

Peep says making me sigh

"I'm going home"

I say pushing pass them

"What color is your dildo?!"

Jahseh ask making me turn around

"Why you ask that?"

"Cause I know that's what you bout to go use"

He said laughing, I couldn't even be mad at him his laugh is everything

"Bye dickheads"

"Ayo watch ya mouth, I ain't ya nigga I'll fuck the shit out of you"

He said making my mouth part

"Nigga trippy is one of your best friends"

Peep said pushing him

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