December 4th: A Date to Remember (Redlyn)

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Ashlyn's POV:

I was laying on my bed watching a rerun episode of Craft Wars on TV when I heard my cell phone ring. I paused the TV to see who was calling, Big Red's contact was shining bright on the screen of my phone. I immediately accepted the call knowing that my boyfriend of two months had something in my mind.

"Hey Ash, I have a surprise date planned today. Be ready by 1pm." Big Red said excitedly through the phone.

"Ooh. I'm excited for a surprise date. What kind of clothes should I wear? Dressy, Casual, comfy?" I replied as I looked through my closet.

"Wear something warm we will be outside. "he replied casually.

"Ok. See you then. Love you." I replied before I hung up the phone.

I looked through my closet to find a red sweater, some mustard-colored corduroy pants, a winter jacket and my winter hat. I have a feeling that we are going on a walk or doing a fun outdoor activity since it is now December.

I sat in the passenger seat of his car as he drove to this mystery destination. The entire car ride he held my hand gently while steering with the other hand. At every stop light, he would look at me for a few seconds and blush. I though that it was the cutest thing ever. After a while, I noticed that the car suddenly stopped in front of a community center.

"Big Red, where are we?" I asked while zipping up my jacket.

"We're going Ice Skating!" my boyfriend exclaimed happily.

"I have a confession. I don't know how to skate." I said while biting my nails.

"That's ok. I'll be right by your side to help you. It's not that hard and I can hold your hand." My boyfriend said kindly.


*At the Ice Skating Rink*

Big Red must have done this multiple times, because I had to get him to help me tie my skates. It was so embarrassing. Everyone says that I am good at everything, but I am not.

When I saw that there were only a few people on the ice rink, I got even more nervous. What if they saw me fall on my butt? What if someone laughed at me? What if Big Red laughs at me? I didn't notice that Big Red was already skating on this ice when he said,

"Are you just going to sit on the bench the whole time? Come on its fun. You can hold onto my hand."

"I've never done this before. What if I fall?"

"Fall for me?" Big Red said jokingly.

"Haha. Not what I meant." I said nervously as I got up off of the bleachers and reached out for his hand.

Big Red held my hand as we got to the entrance of the skate rink. He stepped onto the ice first and glided so peacefully. It looked so beautiful the way he did it. I didn't think that I could replicate what he did, even if it was just a few steps on the ice. I was honestly scared to try something new in front of my boyfriend.

"I can't do it." I said nervously while going back to the exit bar.

Big Red gasped as he said, "I've never heard you say that before. You can do this. I believe in you. You're Ashlyn you're in three clubs in school and you do sing and dance. I believe that you can do anything. You just need to believe in yourself."

"I guess, I'm not good at everything." I said looking down at my skates.

"Here. Hold my hand and the bar in the other. I'll help you. We can do this together. Baby steps" Big Red said walked over to me where he was standing.

I got up from where I was sitting and grasped onto his hand as he helped me to get to the ice rink. Big red didn't let go of my hand the whole time, which I was grateful for.

I gently let go of his hand and grasped onto the bar for dear life. After a few moments, I stabled my feet on the ice and let go the railing. I tried to skate to Big Red and immediately fell on my butt on the ice. From the corner of my eye, I saw kids laughing at me and didn't notice that Big Red was holding his hand out for me. Tears were forming in my eyes and it looked very noticeable in front of Big Red. This is so embarrassing. I'm Ashlyn. I'm supposed to be good at everything.

"Are you ok? Is anything bruised or broken? Do we need to go to the hospital? I promise I won't make you do things that you're not comfortable doing from now on."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I'm not really good at this." I said nervously as I got up from off of the ice.

"Here, grab onto my hand. Let's sit back down on the bleachers." Big Red said as I wiped a few tears away from my eyes and held out his hand for me.

When we were both seated on the bleachers, I turned to face my boyfriend even though I knew my eyes were red and puffy from crying. He gently grasped onto my hand while waiting for me to talk.

"I'm sorry I ruined this date. This is so embarrassing even kids were laughing at me. I'm Ashlyn. I'm supposed to be good at everything. Can we go back to my house and get hot chocolate?" I said nervously while looking down at my skates.

I have a bad habit of doing that when I didn't want to face my emotions.

"Ashlyn, you did not ruin our date and I do not expect you to be good at everything you do. You are perfect the way you are and do not need to compare yourself to anyone else. I love that your passionate about theatre, music, dancing, and robotics. You don't need to be good at skating. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable on this date. I love you even if you can't skate." Big Red said to me.

"I love you too. There needs to be more people like you in this world." I said while smiling.

I leaned over to kiss my boyfriend on the cheek since we weren't used to public PDA yet.

"Here's the plan, I'll drive you back home, we can listen to the holiday radio station and when we get to your house, I can make you hot chocolate to make up for the date. How does that sound?" Big Red said while blushing.

"Sounds good to me." I replied back to him while holding his hand.

A/N: I'm sorry if these are crappy and short my creative energy and motivation is low. I promise that there are some better stories coming. I already wrote some of the following days' stories. 

Can you Ice skate? I definitely can't.

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