December 13th: Goodbye Carlos (Seblos)

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*Last Week *

Carlos POV:

Seb and I were taking a break from studying for finals and decided to watch a movie together while cuddling.

"Seb, honey could you pass the popcorn?" I said to him as he turned on the TV to find something to watch.

"Sure babe. Don't eat all of it before I find a movie." Seb winked at me knowing that I had a bad habit of doing that while we watched any movie.

"Oooh why don't we watch that new movie musical called PROM on Netflix? I heard that it has a gay couple." I replied as I pointed to the TV screen.

"Good choice, babe. Let me get a blanket and then we can cuddle." Seb said as he ran off to his giant closet to find one.

While I waited for him to come back, I stared at all of the pictures of us that he had in his bedroom. It was so cute and romantic how he kept all of these memories of us. I can't wait to make more memories with him next year.

"I remember when we took that picture. It was at IHOP, after the musical and you started feeding me pancakes at midnight." I heard Seb say as he walked back in the room holding a bunch of fluffy blankets.

"That was a funny moment. The waiter was staring at us the whole time." I laughed as Seb placed the blankets down around us.

"I'm saving all of these pictures so that we can look at them when we get older and married." Seb said out of nowhere.

"Married?" I replied with a shocked expression as he sat down next to me.

"Don't stress Carlos. I'm just thinking ahead for when we get out of this hell called high school." Seb laughed at my shocked expression.

"Right. So, movie time. I think that we deserve some cuddling time after studying for that STEM final." I said as I moved him closer to me and placing the blanket on our laps.

*Present Time*

"I'll see you after your STEM final is over. Bye, honey." I said as I kissed my boyfriend good luck and we parted ways in the science classroom.

After I finished my final, I went to find Seb because he had finished his exam before me and had left the room.

I checked to see if he was in the student lounge or the music room and couldn't find him. Although, I found Ricky singing a song to Nini and decided not to disturb them. As I was dancing through the halls of East High looking for my boyfriend, I saw a stroke of blonde hair peeping out from one of the lockers, Seb's locker.

I watched from the corner of the hallway as Seb opened a large black trash bag and dumped all of his books and pictures of us into the bag while crying.

"Seb, why are you taking all of your belongings out of your locker? We will be back at East High on Monday for finals." I said as I watched my boyfriend dump all of his locker accessories and textbooks into the trash bag.

"I won't need them anymore, I'm moving." Seb mumbled as he kept taking things out of his locker without acknowledging me.

"Excuse me? What did you say?!" I whisper yelled into his face making him turn towards me.

"I'm moving. My mom can't afford to keep the farm anymore and my dad got a job at West High as a music teacher. I'm transferring next week and moving into a new house. Goodbye Carlos." Seb said sadly as he turned to me and walked towards a trash can to throw his belongings out.

"Are you breaking up with me? Why didn't you tell me? We could have spent all of last month together." I replied as I followed him and noticed that tears started falling down my face.

"I knew that it would be too hard to say goodbye, so I just kept it a secret." Seb replied as he kissed my cheek before walking off to his mom's car.

That was the last time I saw him and the last time that I had a boyfriend or so I thought...?

A/N: Part 2 is going to be uploaded tomorrow. Buckle up wildcats!

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