December 12th: The Costume Closet (E.J x Gina)

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Author's Note: This is just another GJ cute imagine. Buckle up wildcats! It's about to get real, in the next few stories not this one..... Don't forget to vote and comment. Happy Holidays!

*Dec 12th 2019*

Gina's POV:

"E.J Guess what happened today?!" I screamed excitedly through my phone

"You got the part?" E.J replied hesitantly through the phone.

"Yes. I'm going to play Clara in the nutcracker for my ballet company's Christmas performance! Are you going to come and watch? I can get you a free ticket?" I said excitedly through the phone.

"I knew you could do it babe. Your so talented." E.J replied while smiling in his dorm room on the other side of the phone call.

"So, why'd you call so late?" I said to the phone while messing with my hair.

"I called because I have something to tell you." E.J said nervously on the other side.

"Oh, are you breaking up with me? I haven't seen you in four months. Did you meet someone else?" I asked as I started to bite my nails.

"I'm not coming home for Christmas. In fact, I won't be home until January 2nd. I'm sorry Gins, Coach wants us to stay on campus for winter training and I can't afford to lose my scholarship. We are already going so strong with the long-distance thing. A few more months won't hurt. Right?"

"I guess so, I just really miss you and wanted you to see me in the Nutcracker." I said sadly as I put my phone on speaker and went over to find one of E.J's hoodies that he left in my closet.

"Gina are you there, babe?" I heard E.J's deep voice through the phone.

"Yeah, I got to go get ready for bed. Bye E.J. I miss you so much." I replied as I cut off the call.

After hearing that my boyfriend wouldn't be home for Christmas or for my performance, I didn't want to talk on the phone anymore. I wanted to see him and kiss him. I just wanted to be wrapped into a big hug from E.J again but unfortunately, he had to choose sports over me. I sighed while cuddling into his sweatshirt and laid back onto my bed looking through photos of us from high school.

 I sighed while cuddling into his sweatshirt and laid back onto my bed looking through photos of us from high school

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*Back in E.J's dorm room*

E.J's POV:

Well, that was awkward. Gina and I usually spend all night talking on the phone. She could talk all night about dance, while I sat my phone at my desk and listen to her beautiful voice. She was usually ok with the long-distance thing since we've been dating for more than four months, but tonight she sounded like she missed me more than usual.

I had some planning to do and couldn't sleep tonight knowing that Gina was upset. I had to do something big.

First, I sent an email to my coach saying that I had a family emergency at home and had to miss practice. Next, I got out my laptop and booked a ticket for the first flight to Utah in the morning. And last but not least, I packed a small suitcase full of clothes and essentials for my trip. I had to see my girl and make her happy again, even if it was just for a few days.

In the morning, I left my roommate a note saying where I'd be and headed off to the airport in my Red Toyota.


*The following day At Gina's Dance studio*

Gina's POV:

I was practicing my pirouettes with the other girls when the head dance instructor came over to me and stopped us.

"Gina, sweetie, there's someone at the front desk who would like to talk to you." Coach Anna whispered while pointing at the direction of the front desk.

I wonder if a coach is scouting us girls for The National Competition or maybe my mom is here to pick me up early. Who could be here at the dance studio? I thought to myself as I walked through the main doors to get to the front desk.

As soon as I reached the front desk, my jaw dropped, and I started crying tears of joy. My boyfriend, E.J Caswell was here. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms hugging him as tight as I could. I missed the smell of his cologne so much since it had faded off of the sweatshirts, he had given me.

"E.J! You're here, in Utah. I missed you so much." I hugged him tightly while he kissed my forehead.

"I missed you to babe. Your friends are staring at us." E.J laughed to himself while letting go of the hug.

"lets give the lovebirds some privacy." I heard Coach Anna say to the other girls on my dance team as everyone left the room but E.J.

"So, how long are you back for?" I said as I started kissing E.J and walking into the back room where all the costumes were for a moment of privacy.

"I told coach that I had a family emergency, so only for the weekend, but I'm going to spend every moment with you." E.J replied while kissing me back.

"Hmmmm. I really missed this. Can we cuddle later at my house?" I said knowing that E.J hated cuddling on the couch together and would rather be doing something more active like playing sports.

"Anything for you, my love." He replied while starting to kiss me again and starting to make out with me.

"E.J, we can't make out in a storage room full of costumes." I said as I pushed him back gently while smiling at his blue eyes.

"Didn't you miss me, babe?" E.J said to me in a deep voice while trying to kiss me again.

"What if my teacher finds out that we made out in her costume closet?" I replied nervously.

"Hmmm. Your right. Wouldn't want to get you in trouble. Let's wait till we get to your house." E.J said while winking at me.

Before, I could reply to E.J I heard a knock on the door and slightly backed away from him to make it look less awkward when I opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt the reunion, but we got a show to rehearse. Gina, would you like to show the the gentleman what we have been working on? He can watch from the Skydeck if he wants too." Coach Raina said while standing at the door of the costume room awkwardly.

"Sure thing Coach." I replied back to her while EJ was staring at me and pleading for another kiss.

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