December 31st: What are you doing here on New Years Eve?! (Jike x Rini)

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Author's Note: Miss Jenn and Mike Bowen are dating in this story and Ricky has accepted their relationship since Todd is not in the picture anymore kinda. Don't worry this story isn't just Rini fluff. There's drama coming. I hate Todd with a passion. This takes place a month or so after the musical. Happy new years Eve! Read the authors note at the end.

*December 28th, 2019*

Ricky's POV:

"Hey Ricky, Jenn and I are going to North Ski lodge this weekend for a small get away. I can't leave you home since your still 17 so your going to have to tag along. Maybe you can find something fun to do like karaoke, Jenn said that's where they filmed the first scene of High School Musical." My dad said from the kitchen where he was obviously burning his toast.

"Dad, I don't do karaoke and can I at least ask Nini to tag along since its new years eve this weekend? No offense but you can have your private time with Miss Jenn. I don't want to be involved." I replied while eating my non-burnt toast and chuckling at his mistake with setting the toaster too high.

"Ok, but don't bother her if she has new years plans too." My dad replied while turning off the toaster.

While my dad was cleaning the kitchen and making sure the smoke alarm didn't go off, I ran up to my room to call my girlfriend Nini.

Nini picked up on the first ring and excitedly exclaimed through the phone,

"Hi Ricky! I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. You won't believe what I saw at the Georgia Aquarium!"

I laughed softly while she excitedly talked about her trip to Georgia and how she got to feed the dolphins at the aquarium. She is so cute when she is excited.

"Hey Nins, can I stop you for a sec and ask you something?" I said through the phone while biting my lip even though I couldn't see her.

"Of course you can Ricky. Did I do something wrong? Did something happen between your parents?" Nini said nervously on the other side.

"You didn't do anything wrong love. I was just calling to ask if you want to join me on this mini vacation that my dad and Miss Jenn are going on. Apparently we're going to the ski lodge where High School Musical was shot. Sounds like Jenn's idea not my dad's. Please ask your moms if you can go, I really don't want to third wheel with my future step mom." I said quickly while biting my lip nervously.

"I'd love to go. I'll ask my moms after we finish unpacking. I'm sure they wouldn't mind since they would get some peace and quiet over new years." Nini replied while smiling at her phone even though Ricky couldn't see her.

"It'll just be one or two nights depending on how long Miss Jenn obsess over the place, you know how obsessed she is with High School Musical." I laughed through the phone making Nini giggle.

"Sounds like fun. Maybe I can get my new year eve kiss that I've always dreamed of." Nini said in her British accent.

"You'll get lots of them. I can't wait to see you Nins. Its been a long week without you here in Utah." I whimpered making a pouty face.

"Ricky, I know your making that face again. Stop being such a baby. You can handle 10 more hours without seeing me. I'm right next door. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye love." Nini said before hanging up so that she could unpack.


*December 31st, 2019*

Nini's POV:

"Come on Ricky! Let's explore the place. I want to find the teen lounge where the movie was shot. I want to pretend to be Gabriela up on the stage. You can't sleep all weekend. It's New Years Eve and your dad let us have our own room for one night only." I said excitedly while pulling Ricky off of one of the queen sized beds in our cabin.

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