December 24th: With You This Christmas (Ricky and Gina)

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Author's note: Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate. Happy early Christmas to my writing idea partner Nini is still dating E.J in this story. Ricky and Nini aren't together in this story but they are best friends after the musical. The song above is just for effect.

*December 24th, 2019*

Ricky's POV:

"Wow, Ricky. Your ten minutes late to my party again. First thanksgiving and now Christmas Eve. I should have gotten you a watch this year." Ashlyn exclaims as she opens the door to her house for me.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to skateboard over in a winter coat with my gift for my secret santa, since my dad is on a date with Miss Jenn tonight. It's not easy. Were you all waiting on me?" I replied to Ashlyn while I took my shoes off by the front door.

"Yeah. We were just about to start exchanging gifts. Let me get you a hot chocolate first, you must be cold." Ashlyn replied before she left to got to her kitchen.

While she was preparing my hot chocolate, I decided to make an appearance and greet everyone in the living room where the Christmas tree was.

As I walked into the living room, I noticed that everyone from the drama club was sitting on the couches talking among themselves. I saw a spot open near Big Red and went over to make some conversation but realized that Gina Porter was missing from the group.

"Hey Big Red where's Gina?" I asked him when he stopped talking to Kourtney about some stage crew thing.

"She's probably just running late since her moms working late. I'm sure she will be here soon." Big Red replied to me.

"Weird. She's never late too any event. I'm going to text her and see if she's okay." I replied as I excused myself to the guest restroom.

When I finally got to the restrooms and locked myself in the small room, I sent Gina a few texts asking her if she's okay and didn't get a reply back after a few seconds. She always texts back immediately, this is weird. Maybe she's on her way? I decided to call her to see what's going on.

After listening to four dial tones and two voice mail messages from Gina, I decided to go check on her since everyone else was already busy chatting at the party. I quickly messaged Ashlyn and told her what was going on and then got back on my skateboard to ride to Gina's house, which was not that far away from Ashlyn's.


*Earlier that Same Day*

Gina's POV:

My mom was supposed to be back from work by now since the sun was already down and I had already ordered dinner with the money she left me, but there was no sign of her car pulling up in the driveway. This feeling of being home alone was normal for me though because she always worked late nights so that she could provide for our little family, but today is Christmas Eve; and she's supposed to get off work early.

When the clock in the main hall main a loud sound and signified that it was 7:00pm on the dot, the phone started ringing. However, when I was little my mom taught me not to pick up the phone or open the phone for strangers, so I decided to leave it one voicemail.

While I let the voicemail message play, I decided to dance around the kitchen cheerfully since it was almost Christmas. All of a sudden, I heard my moms' voice come from the home phone and stopped dancing so that I could listen to what she had to say.

"Hi sweetie Merry Christmas Eve, I'm sorry that I can't be there with you tonight. My team at F.E.M.A got an emergency call this morning about an earthquake that just hit the Philippines really bad. I have to help out down there and I'm on the investigation team. I wish I could be home with you right now, but someone has to pay the bills and the tuition for your dance classes. Uncle Tyler should be over by 8 and will take care of you until I'm back. I love you so much; I'm sorry that this had to happen. It's my job and I can't quit. Your Christmas gift is wrapped in red under the tree. Merry Christmas Gi." I heard my mom say from the speakerphone and then I heard the dial tone.

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