December 7th: HOME (Kourtney x Surprise Guest)

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Author's note: Hey guys! I'm not feeling my best today because of college finals :( I am just really tired and have a lot of stressful stuff going on at home. (Like Ricky) Anyways, I think that Kourtney deserves more songs and scenes in season 2. I thought that this would be a cute story idea.I'm sorry for all the typos. I don't have time to edit these stories yet...Finals week is here.


*Winter 2021*
senior year

Kourtney's POV:

The theatre department was having a winter concert to raise funds for next years' production budget since East High technically didn't have one and I was nominated to sing a solo song. At first, I declined because I strictly only sang in church and didn't have much Holiday Spirit this year, but my best friend Nini convinced me to sing. After all, it was for a good cause.

It was the night of the concert and it was snowing in Utah already, even though it was only the first of December. The East High choir was singing, "Deck the Halls" first and then I was going to perform my debut solo.

I stood backstage waiting, sweating, and shaking. I didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing because maybe people wouldn't show up if they were snowed in. 'It's just before show jitters, you can do this Kourtney. I said to myself a billion times backstage.

When the East High Choir finished singing and Big Red introduced me, I went up to the stage. Nini gave me a thumbs up from the side of the stage.

"Hi, I am Kourtney Greene. I'm going to sing, "Christmas, baby please come home by Darlene Love. This is for my love. I love you, wherever you are. I hope you're safe." I said into the microphone.


I began to sing the first verse.(A/N: Play song now)

The snow's coming down
I'm watching it fall

I watched the snow fall from the window that was closest to the auditorium door, wishing that you were here to watch me sing and cheer me on.

Lots of people around
Baby please come home

As I sang the next verse, I, noticed that the crowd was very large. I wasn't sure how many tickets we had sold, but we had definitely reached our donation limit by now. There weren't even enough chairs for people to sit in.

The church bells in town
All ringing in song
Full of happy sounds
Baby please come home

As I continued to sing, I heard the church bells ring from outside, since we were so close to downtown. This reminded me that I wouldn't be able to go to Christmas service at church with my love this year since we both had similar views on faith and worship.

They're singing Deck the Halls
But it's not like Christmas at all
'Cause I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

pretty lights on the tree
(Christmas) I'm watching them shine
(Christmas) you should be here with me
(Christmas) baby, please come home

A small tear fell down my cheek as I finished the next verse of the song while staring at the Christmas Tree that the theatre club had decorated a few days ago for fun

They're singing Deck The Halls
But it's not like Christmas at all
'Cause I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year

I remember when you were here last year and congratulated me after one of my church choir performances. I remember when you offered me a ride home when my car wouldn't start. I remember when you kissed me under the mistletoe last year after taking me into a spooky forest.

if there was a way
(Christmas) I'd hold back this tear
(Christmas) but it's Christmas day

Tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably and Big Red waved to me from the back of the audience to see if I needed him to stop the music. I continued to sing the song and wiped my tears off of my face.

(Please) please
(Please) please
(Please) please (please)

I just really wished that you were here in Utah, so that I could introduce you to my friends and have more free time with you.

Baby please come home (please)
(Christmas) baby please come home
(Christmas) baby please come home
(Christmas) baby please come home (Christmas)
Oh yeah yeah

Nini was the only friend who believed that I had a boyfriend. My boyfriend was always traveling long distance, and barely ever had time to stop in Utah. I only saw him at certain events that my family was invited to.

They're singing "Deck The Halls"
But it's not like Christmas at all
'Cause I remember when you were here
And all the fun we had last year.

(Lyric Credit to: Darlene Love)

By the time the song ended, I had tears rolling down my face and put the microphone back on its stand. The whole room was quite. No one was applauding for me. This was really awkward and not what I expected.

All of a sudden, one person who was sitting in the back started clapping and walked down the aisle. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my boyfriend, Micheal Scott. He had graduated from East High last year and decided to apply to be in the military. I fully supported his decision and spent all summer with him.

In August, he went off to Mexico for training and I have only had a few letters and skype calls back from him. Only Nini, knew about him because I didn't like to be vulnerable around my friends. I always went over to cry at Nini's house when I needed someone to listen to me.

When Micheal reached the stage, I was in total shock. Tears were streaming down my face. He was dressed in full military gear and looked as handsome as he could be.

"That was beautiful, Kourtney." Micheal whispered to me.

I noticed that Big Red shone the spotlight us. The moment was perfect as Micheal kissed me on the lips and everyone started clapping. This was a dream, it had to be.

When we got off the stage, Micheal held my hand and kissed me again backstage.

"Sorry to interrupt the happy couple, but we got a Holiday Concert to finish." Big Red said to us as he peeped into the dressing rooms that we were standing in.

"Go on love, you're singing is amazing. I can't wait to hear more. I'll be watching from the audience, this time in-person and not through video chat." Micheal replied to me after kissing me a few more times.

After kissing Micheal for a few more seconds, I finally went back on stage with my theater friends and started singing, "It's the most wonderful time of the year" with them. As I sang my highest note I stared at my boyfriend who was finally back home and in my arms. It was going to be a very merry Christmas this year.

December Memories: HSMTMTS Holiday ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now