December 14th: Part 2-Secret Snowflake (E.J and Carlos)

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Author's Note: I'm posting early because I finished my last final! I know that a lot of you didn't like the last story. However, this second part is a little bit more cheerful. Happy reading! This an interesting ship.

E.J's POV:


This morning, my cousin, Ashlyn came to school holding a red bucket full of pieces of paper. I watched as her as she passed out the pieces of paper to my theatre friends and then finally handed one to me. I had no idea what she was doing, but I did know that winter break was coming in 4 days.

When got home, I found the piece of paper at the bottom of my backpack and read it carefully.

Hey cuz, you're invited to play secret snowflake with the theatre students. It's exactly like secret santa, except I changed the name because, I'm Jewish. You have 4 days to find Carlos Rodriquez a gift. Go shopping and buy something he'd like, instead of shopping on amazon. Can't wait to see what you got him on Friday in the theatre.

None of my friends knew that I was bi and had a crush on Carlos. This was the perfect opportunity to get his attention. I know that he's been feeling down since Seb had transferred to West High unexpectedly.


It was now Wednesday, and I still didn't know what I was going to get Carlos. I haven't had a chance to go to the mall because I had an exam for Mr. Mazarra's AP STEM class yesterday.

Right now, I was driving to Utah State Mall to find a gift for Carlos. I had no idea where I was going to shop and was praying that Seb and Carlos weren't at the mall at this hour after school.

When I got to the mall, I saw a new store that was selling Broadway merch and decided to go in and find something for Carlos. I didn't know much about Broadway, but I was going to attempt to find him thew perfect gift.

At in the back of the store I noticed a bunch of shirts with sayings on a rack and decided to see what they had.

After browsing the racks at the back of the store I finally found Carlos a shirt that said, "I belong on Broadway. "and decided to get it gift wrapped for him. I wasn't really a fan of shopping anyway.


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* Friday in the theater*

I got to the theatre early and noticed that Carlos was sitting alone in the back of the theatre. He looked sad so I decided to give him his gift now to cheer him up and confess my feelings to him. Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset about Seb still. I know this is an awkward time to confess feelings, but I've been hiding them for a few months and haven't even told my cousin, Ashlyn that I think I'm bisexual.

I decided to first sneak up to Carlos and sit in the seat next to him.

"Hey Carlos, I guess we're both early to the Secret snowflake thing." I said as I sat my bag down underneath my seat.

"Yeah, I guess so. The theatre doesn't feel the same without Seb. I miss him. We kind of broke up unexpectedly on his last day here." Carlos replied as he frowned.

"I know what you mean. I'm sorry that he can't be here. Do you want to open your gift early? We don't have to tell anyone. It might cheer you up?" I said while smiling and patting his shoulder.

"You're my secret snowflake E.J?" Carlos said while smiling.

"Yeah, here's your gift. By the way I picked it out myself and it's not from amazon, as Ashlyn would say to me." I said to him as I handed him the bag with the shirt in it.

I watched as Carlos opened the gift bag and pulled out the shirt, I got him.

"Oh My Gosh. E.J this is the perfect shirt for me. Thank you! Thank you! I love it." Carlos said to me as his mood changed and he forgot about Seb for a moment.

I was shocked as Carlos reached over to embrace me into a tight hug, since we've never really interacted with teach other for more than a few minutes.

"I'm so glad you like it. Could I ask you something since we're here at the theatre early?" I said as I let go of the hug.

"Yeah, I guess so. It just seems kind of awkward for us to be alone since you never talk to me in the halls." Carlos replied as he put the shirt back into the gift bag.

"How did you know you were gay?"

"Well, I guess it just happened. I started liking boys when I was in 5th grade and I guess it just became a thing. I guess it was just instinct. Is there a reason why you asked me that?" Carlos replied.

"I really like this guy that goes here but I think that he likes someone else. Do you have any relationship advice?" I said nervously while looking into Carlos' eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know that you identified as bisexual. Well, I guess you could tell him how you feel and see what happens. He might not have feelings for that person anymore?" Carlos replied while staring at the stage.

"Carlos, I really really like you. Like more than friends." I replied as I reached over to kiss him on the lips.

"Oh." Carlos replied as he pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You still like Seb. I should probably leave now." I said as I got up out of my seat.

"Wait, E.J?" I heard Carlos reply as I was walking to the door of the theatre.

"Yeah?" I replied nervously.

"I guess I need to get over what happened with Seb. I've been heartbroken since we broke up; he hasn't replied back to my messages. If you want, we can hang out on Saturday and see how it goes?" Carlos said as he walked towards me.

"Like a date?" I replied excitedly.

"Ooh who's going on a date?! Spill the tea." I heard Kourtney say as she entered the theater with Nini while holding gift bags.

"It's nothing really, mind your own business." I said as I saw Carlos nod his head and smile from the corner of my eye.

Before anyone else could interrupt us , I got out my phone to text him to make things seem less awkward.

To Carlos: Date Night Saturday at 7? I'll pick you up send me your address ;) I'm glad we found each other at the right moment.

Carlos: Sounds good to me :)

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