chapter 2

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georges pov
"is clay ok?..."
george's mind has been riddled with that question all day. was dream ok? george knew something was up with him, he just didn't know what.
calling: dreamwastaken
"hey dream.."
"george ! how are you?"
"i'm ok dream.."
"wanna stream with me george?"
george needed to ask him what was wrong but he couldn't. see george was head over heals in love with dream and got flustered by him easily
"dream...s-somethings up, i know somethings wrong. so what is it."
"nothing george"
call disconnected
george jumped on his bed and started sobbing. "i can't help him. i can't help the love of my life..."
a couple minutes later george hops on the smp to distract himself.
incoming discord call: sapnap
"hey george!"
"hey sapnap.."
"are you alright george?"
"can i tell you something?"
"i-i'm in love with dream. and i don't know what to do sapnap. somethings obviously up with him but i don't know what and he's refusing my help, sapnap im worried about him."
"yeah well i knew you liked dream, george your not slick. and george stop worrying about him. he's fine believe me."
george and sapnap streamed for a while after that. the chat kept asking where dream was and so george texted dream to hop on.
gogy :D: hop on the smp !!! people r asking where u r
dream :): i can't sorry. i'm gonna be out of town for a couple days so i won't be responding to you.
"hey chat, dream is gonna be out of town for a couple of days so he won't be streaming!"
dreams pov:
dream wasn't gonna be out of town, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to george like this. dream couldn't bring himself to talk to the person he was in love with especially with his decreasing mental state. dream decided he was just gonna push george and sapnap and bad away because he didn't want to hurt them. he was afraid he would hurt them, and he couldn't hurt his best friends and his crush. dream by this point was being controlled by himself and it was scary. his mind was telling him to kill himself and his mind was telling him to hurt himself and others and to not eat because he needed to look better but he also didn't deserve it. the scary part is though that dream went through with all of these execpt hurting others.
"what is wrong with me...why am i like this why am i a fucking monster..?"
dream broke down sobbing
"i'm such a monster. i don't deserve anything, i don't deserve sapnap and george i don't deserve anything....i should go kill myself it'd be better for everyone else."
dream walked over to his drawer in his bathroom filled with razors.

word count 498

i'm not trying to condone any of this i just self project when i'm writing.

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