chapter 15

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sapnaps pov
"george did you find him ?"
"sapnap...come over here now"
sap walked over to the bathroom and saw dream lying on the floor with a pill bottle in his hand, completely passed out and a note beside him.
georges pov
george called 911 right away and then stuffed the note in his pocket.
"sapnap what do i do, sapnap why am i just standing here?"
"george an ambulance is coming it's gonna be fine"
george felt like another part of him was being ripped from himself, he realized that dream was lying up here almost dead while him and sapnap were decorating and starting bawling even more.
"d-dream....please please don't leave me. i love you please don't leave me"
sapnap stared at george worriedly.
"george they're gonna save him i promise"
george heard a knock on the door.
"emergency services, were coming in !!"
"over here !!"
george broke down into tears even more as dream was taken away and into a ambulance.
"sapnap let's go ride to the hospital"
"ok...ill get us a taxi.."
george silently cried the whole way there, when george and sapnap got to the hospital george started reading the note.

dear whoever read this, or more like whoever had the pleasure of seeing me dead on the ground. i've rewritten this a few times and i decided this is my final copy. george is probably going to end up reading this and if so sapnap is aswell first of all to both of you i'm sorry. i really am but it's better that it turned out this way. (sapnap tell george the secret i know what it is.) anyways i wouldn't be anywhere without you guys, and also i wouldn't be anywhere without ant or bad. i love you guys. i love all of the SMP, i would've been dead sooner if it wasn't for you guys. i'm so sorry i'm so sorry. another thing though if my mom somehow read this, go fuck yourself mom. for real go fuck yourself and don't show up at my funeral, your the reason i was suicidal to begin with and your the reason that i've been diagnosed with 5 mental illnesses and a eating disorder. please go fuck off i hate you.
"he has a eating disorder ? he has mental illnesses ? why didn't he tell me i could've helped him"
george continued reading.
i'm sorry about this, tommy, ranboo, bbh, skeppy, sapnap, george, tubbo, ant, wilbur, niki, fundy. i'm sorry all of you, everyone on the smp im sorry. it was my time i couldn't live on any longer. my life was a hell, i was fainting everyday and i had no energy. everything was just messed up. no one blame themselves please. i'm sorry i am i'm really sorry. please forget about me though and move on, please don't be sad over my death. think of it as a happy thing, i was hoping i'd die and i got my wish. so be happy for me and don't cry. that's my wish don't be sad over this. i love you all please don't blame yourself. i've wanted to kill myself sense high school and my life has been turning shit lately and this was the only way out. don't follow in my foot steps and do what i did, don't try and follow me. if you ever miss me just hop on the smp (someone keep it alive please?) and also drista i didn't say this earlier but i'm sorry about this. i'll miss you and i'll miss you all truly i will. this is all my fault though i'm sorry i am i'm sorry. and at my funeral don't let my mom come and have it be open casket, that'd be my last chance for a face reveal haha. tell my fans i'm sorry and tell them that i love them all and that i'm so thankful for the support that they gave me. this is hopefully the last thing i'll ever say to you. someone please read this at my funeral. i love you and i'm sorry about this, don't attempt to follow me and please don't be sad about this.
signed: dream/clay
george started at the note in his hand in shock and stared at sapnap who was reading it aswell,
george started crying really hard and then flipped over the paper and there was a note.
ps: i'm in love with a SMP member and one of them knows. please tell them. i'm sorry again.
word count: 770 words
thank you guys so much for the support. also i might post later 2day idk tho. i love u guys and take care of yourselves.

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