satu《meeting you》

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Its a calm freezing night. The moon shining brightly with a bazzilion dazzling stars, painting the sky beautifully. Its getting late and the only sound can be heard from the palace is the giggling and chatting sound from the maids and the butlers but you also can hear the marching sound from the guards. It's a calm and serene night but not for the prince, Yoon Jeonghan.

If anything, he feel mad, annoyed, betrayed and upset and jeonghan is not a person who get tick off easily or that is what he he said about himself. The words from his father earlier still lingering around his mind and because he feel too frustated and suffocated in the big room of his, he decide to walk out to his garden. Its the one of the place he will go if his mind messed up and if he want a comfort and calmness cause he is a nature lover himself.

He make his way to the hut his father built for him as a gift for his twelfth birthday. Start from then, he declare that the garden is his and make sure to clean the hut everyday and even helping the gardener there if the gardener let him. But the gardener never let the prince help though. He even imagined the whole garden as his own small country. He might not be a crown prince of Ruby Kingdom cause that is meant for his brother but he don't really care, he don't want to rule a kingdom anyway. And the small garden of his is already perfect for him with butterflies, birds and whatever insects there as his 'people'.

As the second prince sit down, looking at the calm sky, he heard a cracking sound, perhaps someone steps on a twigs. The noise come from the thick bushes near him. He frowns, the only person who come on his head is the gardener there, Mr. Song but its nearly midnight, the old man must has gone to the slumberland. He's not scared though cause the palace is full with guards, what harm can happen there? Soon footsteps can be heard and it sound like whoever the person is, making their way to him.

"Who is there?," the prince asked as the curiousity take over him. No reply from the other just make he frowned harder. The noise didn't stop though until a shadow of someone step out from the dark. Jeonghan squints his eyes since its too dark to see who is that but as soon as the moonlight hit the person's face, the person quickly said "im sorry for scaring you" before the person bows. Jeonghan raises his eyebrows.

The person is a boy and look like he is around the prince's age. The prince frowns "who are you?" Jeonghan know everyone in the palace, maybe not really but he know how all the peoples there look alike except the boy who standing in front of him now with eyes boring to him. He scans the boy's look, he is wearing a plain white shirts with a tracksuit honestly, he look goddamn fine with that simple shirt.

"Hi, I'm Hong Jisoo. A new gardener here and you must he the one and only, the second prince of Ruby Kingdom, Yoon Jeonghan" the boy said with a small smile.

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