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"I'm sorry Yeonjun. I really am. But I really need to go. " Soobin said, as a teary Yeonjun clenched his hands tight around Soobin's.

"N-no Soobin. P-please oh lord please don't go. I can't live without you. I l-"

"Yeonjun don't. I'm sorry and I hope we meet again." Soobin said with a heavy heart, and left his grip on Yeonjun's hands, and walked away, never turning back.

Yeonjun knees fell onto the floor, as he watched Soobin walk out of their shared apartment. He wished that he, looked back at least once, to see the heartbroken look on Yeonjun's face.

But Soobin never did, and Yeonjun was left all alone, crying at the door of their house.

Yeonjun wasn't able to finish what he was going to say to Soobin, and somehow that made him feel worse.

I love you, Soobin.

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