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Soobin's note #1

Dear hyungie,

By the time you must have found this, I would be long gone. Not dead, but away from you. In a sense, dead.

I hope you didn't cry hyung, for that would break my heart really bad.But why would you cry? You don't want me in the first place.

Anyway, as for the reason I left you, I don't want to talk about it through a note, I want to meet you face to face and talk about it.

So please, if you want to meet me, come to the address at the end of this note. After this, I swear I won't have to do anything with you.

But I just want to see you for the last time, hyung. Before you continue your life with someone else.

Please come to meet me, I'll be waiting, hyung.

I understand if you don't want to do anything with me. But it would really make me happy if you came to me for the last time.


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