<< thirty six >>

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A tear drop rolled down his cheek. Then another. And another. And soon his eyes turned into a cloud which couldn't stop precipitating.

He was the cause of Yeonjun's pain. He was the reason Yeonjun had to go through all of this alone.

He was the bad guy.

He had just wanted to surprise visit Yeonjun after whatever had happened between them.

He had rung the bell twice, and then thrice, but no one answered. So he pulled out his spare key, and opened the door to their house.

He walked into it, and was very amused to find the house clean. It had never been like this when he had also been living in the same house.

He walked into their room and stopped. Their room looked completely different. A room, which was once just a plain room with all the necessities, was now a beautiful room, with pictures of himself and Yeonjun all around.

On the headboard of the bed, lay two of his own hoodies, unwashed from the time he left two behind.

He had been trying to keep it all in since he entered the house, it was all so overwhelming. The scent of Yeonjun, their pictures together, his unwashed hoodies, it was all too much.

It was only after he looked at their happy pictures on the walls, he realised how much he had missed Yeonjun.

He sat down on the bed, collapsing into his tears. He felt something behind him. It was a book. A book he recognized very well. It was the book he had given Yeonjun on his birthday in a hurry.

But Yeonjun told him that he would never use it. Then why is it out?

He took up the book in his hands, and read every single page in it.

And he couldn't help but sob.

Tears formed involuntarily in his eyes, they were all unwanted, nevertheless present.

By the time he finished reading all the entries written by Yeonjun, his heart ached more than it had ever before.

He thought that Yeonjun was happy with her. Then why did Yeonjun waste so much of his time on him? Isn't that what Yeonjun wanted? To throw him out of his life and stay happy with her?

Suddenly a door opening was heard.

Oh fuck, Yeonjun was home.

He didn't want to face Yeonjun just yet, so he left the book back on the bed, and went under the bed, as to observe Yeonjun from a distance.

Yeonjun walked into their room, wearing the third of Soobin's hoodies.

That was the moment. Soobin's game over.

The look on Yeonjun's face was the most heartbroken one Soobin had ever seen.

Soobin's heart ached at this sight.

Yeonjun walked upto the entire photo display area, and stared at the wall. Soobin could see the tears form in his eyes, and he tried hard to contain his own too.

Yeonjun sighed sadly, and laid down on the bed, closing his eyes.

Though the tears kept coming, his eyes were closed, as to find inner peace.

Soobin quietly got out of his hiding place below the bed, and stood up straight.

Yeonjun was in his own world, he hadn't realised that his loved one was inches away from him.

Suddenly, Soobin wanted to run away from Yeonjun. Suddenly Soobin didn't want to face Yeonjun at all.

He was too scared. Scared that Yeonjun might do something to him.

Scared, that once he saw Yeonjun, he wouldn't be able to go back for good.

But he wanted to kiss him too.

So he did just that, by leaning forward, and pressing his lips to Yeonjun's.

Yeonjun didn't move for a moment, and Soobin pulled away, tasting Yeonjun's salty tears.

Yeonjun's eyes sparkled in a long time, and without any further ado, he pulled Soobin into his lap and kissed him hungrily.

Yeonjun wasted no time to slip his tongue in, craving Soobin's touch.

Oh, how real all of this felt.

Soobin whined at the slightest move by Yeonjun. At this point, Yeonjun was so worked up, he moaned embarrassingly, hearing Soobin whine because of him.

A bite followed by a rather hash suck, made Soobin lose his control completely.

Yeonjun missed this so much. The way his lips moved against Soobin's, was so perfect. Their lips fit together so perfectly.

Yeonjun couldn't get enough of this. Soobin was finally in his arms, after god knows how long.

Yeonjun let go of Soobin's lips, which made him whine pathetically, and made him want to pull Yeonjun back towards him.

Yeonjun was going to have none of that, and went to Soobin's unmarked collarbone, which was literally screaming to be marked.

Yeonjun moved up to the area right above his pulse point, and begun sucking a mark there, which made Soobin bite his lip.

"Yeonjun-ah." Soobin breathed, trying to deattach himself from Yeonjun, because this was not what he wanted to do at the moment.

Yeonjun understood, and backed off, looking at his masterpiece.

Soobin breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down.

"Soobin, I love you so much, I love you, I love you, Fuck, I missed you so much, everything's okay, you're with me now." Yeonjun whispered soothingly into Soobin's ear who was now crying.

"I love you too, hyung." Soobin shakily exhaled.

"You what?" Yeonjun asked confused.

If Soobin loved him, then why did he leave him?

"You love me?" Yeonjun confirmed, not wanting to plant false hope in himself.

"I do, I always have, hyung. That's why I left you. Even if you were happy with someone else." Soobin said slowly, his eyes never meeting Yeonjun's.

"I can only be happy with you, Binnie. Why'd you leave me then?" Yeonjun asked.

"Don't lie hyung, you love her don't you?" Soobin asked, feeling miserable for kissing Yeonjun when he already belonged to someone.

Someone who wasn't him.

"Her? What are you saying, Soobin? I'm gay!" Yeonjun exclaimed.

"Yes, her, hyung. You love Jiyoo." Soobin said, his heart shattering at the name.

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