<< thirty seven >>

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"Jiyoo?" Yeonjun asked, confused.

"Yes, hyung, Jiyoo. You love her don't you?" Soobin asked.

"I do, but not-"

"That's it hyung. I wanted to you be happy with her. I love you, and all I want is for you to be happy with whoever you love." Soobin said, not meaning anything he said.

He didn't want Yeonjun to love anyone but him. But he had to let go of him one day, he said it himself that Yeonjun loved Jiyoo.

"Shut up Soobin. Just, shut up." Yeonjun said, trying to process Soobin's concern.

Soobin looked shocked, but stopped speaking, because an angry Yeonjun, was a scary Yeonjun.

"Y-You are telling me, t-that you l-left me because you thought I love Jiyoo?" Yeonjun reconfirmed.

"I don't think, hyung, you just told me that you love her!"

"You dumbass, she's my cousin, of course I love her!" Yeonjun screamed.

Soobin looked shocked. Of course he was. He thought that Yeonjun loved Jiyoo and was hiding their relationship from him and that's why he left for the best-

"She's your cousin??" Soobin asked, horrified.

"Yes pabo! You left me for no dumb reason! You're so cruel, Soobin! I hate you! You made me suffer for so long! You left without an explanation, leaving me so confused behind. If you wouldn't have left me, fuck I had so much planned out for you, you have no idea-" Yeonjun hiccuped.

Tears, the unwanted bitch, had appeared again, and seeing Yeonjun cry made Soobin's heart swell up.

"I'm sorry, Yeonjun hyung, I'm so sorry, I'm so dumb, you can ignore me for all you want, but just forgive me. I don't think I can live even for a minute without you. Fuck, you've become so thin. Did you even eat properly? I left you here, you don't even know how to cook. I'm the worst, Yeonjun hyung, but just don't leave me, hyung. I was so tempted to come back to you on Christmas, hyung but I thought you were happy with Jiyoo, I'm so stupid, please-"

Yeonjun stopped his rambling by pressing his lips against Soobin's.

"Shut up, Bin you're rambling again." Yeonjun whispered against his lips.

"You forgive me?"

"As much as I want to ignore you and see you suffer, I can't live without you, so yes, I forgive you, Soobin. Only if you promise never to leave me again."

"I promise hyung, I'll never leave you again, never ever." Soobin said, wiping Yeonjun's tears and then his own.

"No misunderstandings ever okay? If you have anything,you will talk to me. You just won't disappear okay?" Yeonjun managed to say, while holding Soobin's hand.

"Yes Hyung. I won't ever leave you again." Soobin promised.

"Shut up and sleep with me now, I've missed on a lot of my sleep and my Soobin." Yeonjun said, while getting into bed.

Soobin could only smile.


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