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December 2, 2021

Choi Fucking Soobin.

You just had to didn't, you?

I was cleaning up the house peacefully, when I found three of your hoodies.

YOUR hoodies.

My favourite ones.

And mostly importantly, they were unwashed.

Why, Soobin, why do you have to do this to me? What do you expect me to do with them? Wash them?

Never. I'm never washing them,Soobin.

All of them smell like you. Which only reminds that you're not with me anymore, and there's a hundred percentage chance that you're seeing someone else.

Why did it have to be me, Soobin?

Why was it me who you played with? I'm not that strong, to let go of you so easily.

I can't, I can't see you happy with anyone else but me. I don't want to ever see you near any other boy except me.

I can't forget you just yet.

Come back, Soobin, and I'll cherish you for the rest of my life.

I'm really tired of writing these notes to you, Binnie.

I want to be able to kiss you, hug you, whenever I want, speak out my feelings to you whenever I want, not write these silly notes to you.

Good night, Soobin.

I hope you dream of me, because I always dream of you.

-your Yeonjun hyung

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