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December 3, 2021

Dear Soobin,

I went back to college today. I didn't want to, but Taegyu pushed me out of the house.

Also, when I told you that Taehyun brought chocolate cake for us, it was because Taehyun and Beomgyu finally became a thing.

I'm happy to see them together, but at the same time I feel so jealous.

I see how Beomgyu, holds Taehyun's hand, and both of them blush red, they're just so cute.

But, nothing on this planet Earth is cuter than My Soobinnie.

Your smile, which shows your cute dimples, the way your eyes crinkle when you're exicted for something, the way you pout when I don't listen to you, the way you look at me when someone teases you, the shocked expression on your face when I've stolen a kiss from you in public, the way your voice changes when you're happy,the way you keep running your fingers through your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the cute smile plastered on your face when you're sleeping, the scared expression on your face when you're watching a horror movie,the way you scold me for waking up late, the way you ask me to help in the kitchen, the way you ask me to clean up the house, the way you say 'Yeonjun hyung! You stink', the list could just go on, Binnie.

I miss all of that.

I miss you.

I miss us.

Please come back, Soobin. And I'll always keep the house clean.

-your Yeonjun hyung

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