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January 14, 2022

Dear Soobin,

' I'll love you till I grow old,
I'll be waiting for you.

My love for you never grow cold,
Even if you don't want it.

You're my angel, more precious than gold.'

I tried, Soobin, I did.

I didn't write to you for so long. I was almost over you. But my heart doesn't listen to my brain.

My brain tells me to finally let go of you, but my heart can't. I can't. Soobin, I'm sick and tired of this. How am I supposed to prove myself to you?

How can I prove myself worthy of my Soobinnie?

While I was away, I couldn't think of anything but you.

My mind goes only Soobin,Soobin,Soobin.

And so does my heart.

I'll fall sick like this, Soobin.

And remember what you always told me?

'Yeonjun hyung, you're never allowed to get sick. If you get sick, then who will take care of me?'

I wonder if you're okay. Because I know you don't let anyone but me take care of you.

I'd be really upset if you fell ill and didn't let anyone take care of you. It's okay if you found someone else who takes care of you just the way I did, but just as a person who loves you tons, I'm just making sure, okay?

Just come back, Soobin. I don't think I'd be able to live like this anymore.

- your Yeonjun hyung 

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