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December 12, 2021

Dear Soobin,

How are you ,bun?

I hope you're happy and healthy where ever you are.

I tried contacting your parents, but looks like even they don't want to talk to me.

You could have atleast give me a location, Soobin.

I'm very lonely without you.

I miss you and your comforting words, Soobin.

It hurts, Soobin-ah.

It hurts to get up from bed without you, it hurts to go to bed, failing to sleep everytime without you, it hurts to see the kitchen empty every time I walk over to look for you.

Fuck, I feel empty without you.

You were wrong, Soobin.

Very wrong to leave me alone like this. Don't you feel the pain too? Aren't you hurting, staying away from me too?

Don't you care even a bit about me anymore?

Have you changed this much, Soobin?

Are you no longer the Soobin I knew who loved me?

There's so much I need to know, Soobin.

And only you can give me my answers.

Please come back, atleast for an explanation.

-your Yeonjun hyung

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