<< the end >>

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"Taehyun, keep a look out at the door! Beomgyu what the hell are you doing? Stop blowing and then bursting the balloons! Kai, can you please stop texting Jinsung right now? This is not the time to be texting your boyfriend!" Yeonjun screamed.

"But Jinsungie is bored! You could have let him come too!" Kai complained.

"No I don't like him. Don't bring him here at all!" Yeonjun huffed.

Jung Jinsung, Kai's boyfriend, kept irritating Yeonjun by telling him that he was shorter than Soobin, and that annoyed him tons, so he was forbidden from coming near Yeonjun.

"You're so mean, Yeonjun hyung. If you don't let him come, I'll keep chatting with him. He could help us! Please let him come?" Kai made puppy eyes at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun didn't have time for Kai's nonsense." Fine, let him come. But I want you guys working, and not making out in the corner. Look at Taegyu, they're so dedicated to their work." Yeonjun said pointing behind him.

Kai laughed, which made Yeonjun turn back.

Beomgyu was seated in Taehyun's lap, and they were practically eating each other's faces off.

"Ew, get up y'all! Soobin will be here any minute!"

Beomgyu sadly looked at Taehyun, whispered something in his ear, and hoped off his lap, sticking out his tongue at Yeonjun.

"Whatever." Yeonjun huffed.

"Shit! Jun! Soobin is here!!" Taehyun whispered shouted, and ran inside, grabbing Beomgyu and Kai's hand and hiding under the table.

Alright, Yeonjun, you're doing this.

"Hey,hyung." Soobin said, as he walked into the room, looking around.

Balloons and decorations all around, and Yeonjun dressed fancily.

"Oh my what's this? Another date? We had one just yesterday hyung! I've told not to spoil me this much-"

Yeonjun pecked him. " You're rambling for the millionth time, Binnie."

"Oh my, you look so good!" Soobin said, completely ignoring Yeonjun's words.

Yeonjun cleared his throat.


"You look so good in suits!"


"You're so gorgeous,hyung."



"Listen to me?"

"Yeah, tell me?" Soobin said, meeting his eyes.

"I know you've read the book, the one in which I wrote my notes, and maybe you remember that I mentioned that I was going to propose to you this valentine's day. I couldn't do that because of various reasons, And so, now-" Yeonjun said as he went down on his knee, "- I'm proposing to you, Soobin. I love you to the moon and back, Soobin, will you marry me?"

Soobin was already in tears.

Yeonjun wasn't breathing. He had no idea as to how Soobin would react.

Soobin nodded his head, and smiled at Yeonjun, his eyes teary.

Yeonjun slipped on the ring on Soobin's finger, and it looked so perfect.

Like Soobin's finger was made for Yeonjun to put a ring on.

"I love you, hyungie." Soobin whispered into Yeonjun's neck.

"I love you too Soobin."

"Oh my god, Yeonjun hyung, you look so short when you're hugging Soobin hyung!" Jinsung chirped, as he walked into the room.

"Shut up you're shorter than me!!" Yeonjun screamed.


<< the end >>

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