Chapter 20

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I held Nia close to me. I was not gonna say anything to her. We just sit in silence. "Miss Keisha don't tell Ma. I don't won't her to worry about me." I told her that I wasn't. "Nia, if there is anything you need to talk about l want you to talk to me." I replied. "Your secrets are safe with me."  I held on to her. " Nia, we don't have to talk about this now or today but I am leaving it open for you to come to me, Sweetheart.."
I was worried. I was worried for everyone. But I couldn't tell Tyrell. I couldn't definitely tell Vivian and James was out of the question.
That night I came home to Jeremiah and K'Shawn discussing Jason.
"Well, I think your friend wore out his welcome." said Jeremiah pouring a glass of my good liquor. In fact, he been drinking up my stuff.
K'Shawn laughed. "Dad, get off it. Jason is different okay. He isn't into drinking and chasing women....he's a good dude." Jeremiah still was not satisfied. "No...hell no better not be what I think it is...." There was a look in his eyes. It was that familiar look.
K'Shawn sucked his teeth and turned away.
Suddenly, Jeremiah grabbed him by his neck and pushed him up against the wall.
"Hey!" I yelled. I was angry. " Leave my son alone!" K'Shawn laughed.  "You gonna hit me, Dad?" He scoffed.
"I want the goddamn truth...." Jeremiah screamed drunkenly.
K'Shawn sarcastically smiled. "Yea, I am gay. Dad...I am now that Lil Bitch you used to call me. And I enjoy it."
Jeremiah yelled out bloody murder. He balled his fist up and I took my liquor bottle in my fist.
" You gonna hit me for being what you called me for years." K'Shawn scoffed.
"I know you wasn't gonna be shit when I left you with Keisha." He cried. I was livid.
"Fuck you, Jeremiah!" I screamed. " You think you something beating your family and the shit you did. Turn my son's me and you now...Bitch!" I took a swing at him with the bottle. He moved away from K'Shawn.
"Get out of my fucking house!" I screamed.
Jeremiah was drunk and stunned. " Call 911, Shawn!" I took the liquor bottle and hit him on his shoulder. He cried out.
"Get the hell out of here....fuck you...I never needed you. You and my mother can kiss my ass!" I screamed. "And I am getting a fucking restraining order tomorrow so get your fucking shit!"
There was an evil in Jeremiah eyes. " Fucking Stupid Bitches!" He declared. Angrily, I  shut the door on his ass.
K'Shawn and I held on to each other. K'Shawn sobbed into my embrace.
Tears welled in my eyes. "Shawn...I am sorry for putting you through all that...I am sorry..."
When the police came I made a report and was informed to go down to the City Hall to get the order.
As me and K'Shawn drove from the courthouse, I again apologized.
"Ma, you didn't do anything but gave me love and gave me what you thought was a home. Jeremiah is a weak man. He can't stand you or me. He don't want to see peace because it realizes now it isn't about him. I love you, Ma..." K'Shawn said. We drove in silence the rest of the way.

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