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"Drive faster!"

"I'm trying!"

The black Mercedes sped across the concrete road while the woman inside stepped on the gas. "Bubby how you doing back there?" The woman asked looking at six year old through the rear view mirror.

"I'm okay mommy."

"I'm sorry mommy has to drive this fast I know you hate speed." The lady apologised sincerely making her daughter smile. "It's okay mommy. Jus don't dash anybody." She said with a grin.

"Okay this is cute and all but you need to get the heck out of Busan so stop wasting time!" The static voice spoke out from the radio into the car. "Can't a mother have a moment with her child for god's sake?" The lady mumbled making a sharp turn around the corner.

"Mum can I see oppa again?" The girl asked her mother who was in distress watching the rider bikes speed up through the mirrors. "Hopefully." The older muttered her long hair flying in the air as she sped past the chaotic world.

"I will make sure you see him again y/n don't worry." The static voice said and the girl smiled. "Thanks a lot Eunha!" The girl remembered what her brother had told her the other day if she ever missed him.

"Listen to the recording whenever you feel lonely bub."

The girl grabbed her small brown teddy bear and pressed on it's stomach activating the recording that her brother had recorded and gifted to her in the form of a teddy bear. Her brother's sweet melodic voice flowed out the speaker and into the quiet atmosphere of the car.

"Y/n hop into the front seat and turn the music off." Her mother instructed sternly. Y/n knew her mother was a very kind and loving woman and she was strict only when needed so she did as she was told and plopped herself carefully on the front seat and buckled her seatbelt and looked straight ahead. "Good girl." Her mother complimented and smiled all the tension disappearing.

Everything was going to be okay.

And that's when the window of the back seat shattered.

Y/n quickly covered her ears being extremely scared of the sudden loud sound. Her mother moved the gear before stomping on the accelerator pedal. She didn't care if she died she just wanted Y/n to live a happy life away from her father.

"Mommy will we be alright?" Y/n asked in a small voice. "Yes baby. We can only hope." Her mother replied when she felt the car change lane.

"The heck." She mumbled and then realised that someone had shot their tyre. "Eunha the car can only take this much damage. If I don't make it promise me that you'll protect y/n and T-"


The car began to go out of control which made both of them panick. Y/n's mother quickly unbuckled y/n's seatbelt and pulled her into her lap immediately using her own body as a shield.

The car began to speed up and crashed into an oak tree which was near a small pond. Fumes of smoke began to leave the engine clouding their vision.

"Mommy are you okay?" She asked but her mother was too much in pain to answer. "Listen up y/n. M-mom is going to have to go now so promise you'll take care of yourself?" The elder spoke with great difficulty as she tried to keep conscious to speak her last words. "Mommy's leaving me forever?!" The girl said with wide eyes. The lady smiled as she lifted her hand and rested it on her daughter's head.

"You'll be an amazing woman when you grow up. Don't ever listen to your father and do what you want. I'll always keep watching you and oppa okay?" She said and y/n hiccuped and nodded frantically. "I love you y/n. Tell oppa that I love him too." She said in one breath and finally closed her eyes.

"Mommy?" Y/n's big doe eyes looked at her mother's face while her small hands began to pull on the blouse her mom was wearing. "Mommy why aren't you blinking?" She asked out aloud looking into her mother's lifeless eyes.

'Mommy's gone?' Y/n thought and hugged her mother.

"Y/n." A deep male voice called out and the door of the car was opened. Y/n's red eyes shot to the side and saw her father peeping inside with a stoic expression. "Come out." He commanded. "B-but mommy." She sniffled refusing to let go of her dear mother. "You better come here before I hit you I have better things to do then force brats like you out a car." He said angrily.

Y/n placed a kiss on her mother's cheek which was ice cold.

"I love you too mommy."


Ayoo! I finally published my first chapter after loads and loads of thinking. Lemme know what you guys think about it in the comments. Please vote and thank you for reading!



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