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A/N: Hi if you've made it here please be sure to check out my other oneshots and follow me!

Hogwarts had just let out for christmas break which means everyone was heading back home for a bit. Since you didn't have one you would stay at the burrow because you didn't like being alone at the school. There was a major problem with that though.. you see George weasley, your bestfriend, had a twin brother named Fred weasley and you thought he was extremely cute.

You denied it for a couple of years but when you finally came to terms with it you were able to say you had a crush on Fredrick Gideon Weasley. You had never gotten the courage to tell him though and when you thought you did your anxiety crushed it all that is until, this christmas break. You were helping Molly clean the dishes and tidy up the house when you felt someone brush past you, that someone was Fred. You froze for a moment taking in the "oh my god the man of my dreams just touched me." thought, he had seemed to noticed because he kept calling your name "hm? what? oh sorry!" you awkwardly chuckled and moved out of his way.

Fred being Fred though, he took the plate out of your hand and picked you up bridal style, running outside with you. You gasped and giggled "Fredrick let me down!" he refused and kept running around until he finally sat you down. You didn't notice it but you were blushing, Fred sure did notice it though "y/n.." he looked at you and you looked back at him trying to catch your breath. The look on his face was a mix between shocked and confusion, you furrowed your eyebrows in response to him "yeah freddy?" he cleared his throat and took a deep breath "you're blushing." Fred chuckled a bit.

Your eyes widened, you hands quickly moving to your cheeks to hide the pink tint covering them. You were embarrassed, not only because he probably knew why you were, but because the look on his face sent you bad vibes. You started to explain yourself but you were stumbling over your words "i uh, its j-just because i-i'm u-hm.." your breathing hitched suddenly and butterflies arose in your stomach. It took a moment for you to realize it but Fred Weasley was kissing you! you didn't hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around him.

When he pulled away for oxygen he smiled "you're a bad liar when it comes to crushes y/n." you laughed and kissed him once more "shut up weasley.."

Weasley twins x y/n Where stories live. Discover now