My gift

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It's a week before Christmas and Weiss and Ruby are out shopping together like they always do. They have been best friends for years now. Ruby stopped and looked at Weiss in the eyes as she fixing her scarf. "I can't have you getting sick on me before Christmas." Ruby says as she fixed the scarf. Weiss blushed with a smile.

"Ruby you know that the cold doesn't bother me." Weiss answers. Trying to hide her blushing face in the scarf.

Ruby smiled at her, "well then why are your cheeks all red if not from the cold?" Ruby asked in a whisper then she got closer to Weiss.

Weiss looked over at her reflection in the store window, seeing her cheek are a little red. She already knew why her cheeks are all red but she didn't want Rudy to know the truth.

"Umm. Maybe I am a little cold." Weiss answers. Telling a little lie.

Ruby pulled her closer so now they are hugging. Weiss enjoys the moment of Ruby's warmth and affection. Then she looked Ruby in the eyes again. They are so close to kissing each others lips. Both their hearts beating hard from the love they have for each other.

But then a bell rings making Ruby jump back a little remembering they are in a public place. They lost the moment. Both feelings sad about it. Ruby takes Weiss's hand in hers and they started walking again. "Weiss your the only one left I have to bye a gift for. So anything special you want from me?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I could use a new sweater or a new pair of earrings." Weiss suggested.

"That's doesn't seem big enough. I'd like to get you something really great that no one else can get you." Ruby answers. Thinking her heart would be the right gift.

"Ruby your friendship is enough for me, no one else understands me like you do." Weiss answers back. But she really wants more than a friend ship.

"Well what if I wanted more then friendship? What if I promise to love you forever?" Ruby whispers softly. Weiss looked surprised at the question just thinking the same thing a moment ago she blushed more feeling extremely happy.

"Ruby I ...." Weiss was cut off bye Ruby pulling her in to a kiss. Weiss kissed her back. It was a great first kiss they fit together like puzzle pieces. Ruby pulls away needing air.

"Then my gift to you is my love, I know it's not Christmas Day but I can't wait anymore. I love you Weiss and always will." Ruby confessed. Weiss just holds Ruby back. Not saying anything, but she kissed Ruby again. They both melted in to each other.
Then they pulled away looking at each other.

"Ruby I love you too." Weiss says softly.

"Really? Because I have wished for you to love me back?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, you big dolt I have loved you for more then a year but I didn't say anything because I don't what to lose you if you didn't feel the same way." Weiss answers. Feeling received and happy for finally saying it out loud.

Ruby smiled big at her, "I had a feeling you loved me back." Ruby says hugging her. "Weiss will you be my girlfriend?" Ruby asked looked her in the eyes again.

"Of course I will." Weiss says blushing. Ruby jumped up and down excitedly.

"You have no idea now happy you just made me." Ruby says. Weiss giggles at her. They started to walking again. Holding hands with each other.

Weiss picked up some last minute gifts for her friends. Ruby helped her carry them back to the jeep. They go to Weiss's mansion to rap the gifts. Once they are done they say goodbye to each other with a kiss.

"Ruby I hate to ask you this but can we not tell my Father about us just yet. I don't think he will take it well." Weiss asked.

"As you wish." Ruby answers back. Ruby goes home. She lives with Yang and Blake. Who have been married for two years now. Ruby is an engineer. Specializing in mechanical arms and legs. The 4 girls meet the first year of University. ( Yang and Ruby are sisters ) when Ruby gets home she says hello to her sister and her sisters wife. "Hay ladies how are you?" Ruby asked. As she sits down.

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