Visiting Seattle.

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So a lot of people have been requesting for someone to write Merddison quarantined and I have a few people who suggested that I write it because I write Merddison a lot! So I thought why not take a spin at it. All credit for the idea goes to merdercriminds  who write Merder Quarantined and taysmcgrath who write Calzona Quarantined. This chapter won't be smutty but the next chapters will be!
Addison had been called to Seattle for an emergency case. It was her first time back in Seattle since Callie's accident so a lot had changed. She stood outside the hospital which had a new plaque on the front. It read 'Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.' She took a deep breath before walking inside. She was soon met by a wide smile and chocolate brown eyes. "Miranda!" Addison squealed. She reached her arms out and wrapped them around her.

"Addison, it's been a while since you've worked here." Bailey said. "How've you been?" She asked. Addison smiled.

"I'm good, married and a mother of a 9 year old, but good," Addison said. Bailey let out a laugh and looked at Addison.

"Just wait until he's a teenager." She joked. She began walking around with Addison and showing her all the changes that had been made since she left.

"Your chief now?" Addison asked in a shocked tone. She was more shocked that she hadn't heard about this. "When Richard called I thought he was still the chief!" Bailey shook her head.

"Nope, I've been chief for the last 5 years." Bailey said. Addison didn't know what to say. A group of residents rushed around Bailey and met with someone in dark blue scrubs. "Hey uh DeLuca, where is Grey?" Bailey asked. Hearing Meredith's name made Addison feel a rush of energy enter her body. Odd? She thought.

"She was running late this morning, she should be here by now though?" Andrew said in a tone that proved her was unsure. He looked down at his phone as he spoke.

"Okay, I'll find her when I find her," Bailey said, sending DeLuca off to do his job. She motioned for Addison to follow her as she shows the new maternity wing.

"This is all new?" Addison asked as she observed everything. Bailey nodded.

"Yeah, there was an explosion a few years again right above the old maternity wing." Addison looked at her in shock.

"How'd that happen?" She asked. Someone behind her spoke and she recognized the voice.

"Rapist on the loose." Meredith said. Addison turned and smiled. "Addison Montgomery, in Seattle?" She asked.

"Meredith Grey it's good to see you!" Addison said. She wrapped Meredith up in a hug which shocked everyone in the room. 

"So where does Amy live because she said I could stay there while I was here?" Addison asked.

"I'll bring you, my shift is over so I don't mind." Addison nodded and the left. When they got to the house Meredith walked in and was met by Ellis.

"Mama!" Ellis cried and ran to her. Meredith swooped her hum and gave her kisses.

"Hello my little Elle belle!" Meredith said. She turned towards Addison and told her we're the guest rooms are.

"This is your youngest?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded. "She's adorable." Meredith smiled.

"Thank you!" She said. Addison got herself settled and fell asleep shortly after going upstairs.

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