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"Really?! We get to travel to Busan for the finals?! That's so cool! I haven't been to my home town since I was like seven and my brother was too young to even remember it." Jimin sighed at the thought, back to when his parents cared for him. Or at least they didn't show they're hatred until they eventually left him and his brother. It might be nice to go back again, maybe make some new and better memories.

"I know right! It's going to be totally awesome! We can go get drinks in bars and maybe pick up some hot one night stands-"

"I was actually thinking of something along the lines of go down to the beach, watch the sunrise, take a hiking lunch. Something more on the lines of that..." Jimin muttered over the phone in a small voice, feeling somewhat embarrassed at what he wanted to do since I was the exact opposite of the plans that Taemin had in mind.

"I mean... we can do that too." Taemin chucked, making the latter feel relieved that he wasn't going to do his plans alone. "Oh! I didn't get to ask you last night because you ran off all of a sudden but who was that guy you were talking to? He was pretty cute."

Jimin's face went red. Completely red. Taemin didn't have to bring that up. It made Jimin embarrassed. "J-just a guy on the other team... I was kinda flirting with him to throw him off the game before the match started. He asked if I wanted to hang out with him sometime."

"Shut up!" Taemin yelled, making Jimin laugh which quickly died down because whenever Jimin tried talking he was just met with more "shut ups" until he was eventually quieted with "no, actually shut up."

"Are you going to go out with him?" Taemin question the younger. Jimin shrugged, not really knowing himself.

The guy. He was so sweet. He was handsome, he seemed to be fit as well. Although... he wasn't exactly his type, he also still had a crush on Taehyung which he found hard to get over. "I don't know... it's just really difficult since, well, I still kind of like Taehyung-"

"Why do you still like that fucking bastard? Do you want to get hurt again? Are you forgetting that he hit you?" Taemin argued but Jimin was letting it roll over him like water off a duck's back.

"I know but, I've seen such a sweet side to him! The way he looks after his little brother and sister, when he took me out to get ice cream with him. He even took care of me after everything with Hoseok, it's just so hard to let go of that." Jimin sighed as he nervously chewed on his hand out of a weird habit of his.

"Jimin just get over him and go out with that guy from the game-"

"It's hard to get over someone! Okay? He looked after me, even though he has his own quirks and can be awkward and insanely rude at times- he still helped me out through a lot." Jimin didn't want to get over him too quickly, he still had hope for the both of them although it seemed absolutely useless. Taehyung is straight.

/ / / / / / /

"Okay I can make kimchi fried rice but that's about it which sucks because there's no meat that I can cook and I like really want meat- Tae, you okay?" Jungkook stopped as he looked over at Taehyung, his face buried into the palms of his hand as a cake sat in front of him. God, did that cake look good.

"F-fucking shoot me dead... I hate myself." Taehyung muttered under his breath, trying not to cry but a tear escaped, he couldn't stop the breaking dam that was his tear ducts.

"Hey... what's wrong?" Jungkook cooed, hurrying to his friend's side and place a comforting arm around Taehyung, shoulder. "Do you need to go to the hospital again-"

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