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It was the last class before school ended. Jimin sat nervously behind his desk in his last class, fiddling with one of the buttons of his school shirt, biting on his hand as well. He didn't want to see Taehyung for his study class. Calling him a friend for just because you want someone to do something for you isn't very pleasant in Jimin's eyes. He wanted to go home and sleep.

The bell rang through the room and Jimin let out a small sigh, taking his hand out of his mouth and wiped the saliva on his trousers before packing his things up to go.

He didn't receive any texts from Taehyung that morning so he wasn't sure if the tutoring class was gonna be on today or what but Jimin thought it would be best to just wait for him in the library. If he showed up, great. They would continue with the study lesson and afterwards, Jimin would go back to his simple and lovely life. If he didn't show up, well... Jimin would just be forced to go home, wasting his afternoon.

The halls were somewhat empty, there were a few students hanging around for no reason and then there were some walking towards the exit to go home. He walked towards the library and walked in. There was not a living soul present in the room so he decided to just take a seat at a table and patiently waited, looking around the room mindlessly and regularly checking his phone for a new message. His phone buzzed and frowned at the notification.

Sorry, football practice will be going on for like half an hour.
Just wait in the library and I'll head down once practice is over.

Jimin just replied back with a simple okay and decided he might as well do something productive with his life. He got up from his chair, grabbed a novel from his bag and decided to sit down on one of the sofas that the library provided, getting immersed in his book.

He flipped through the pages one by one until he came to the end and sighed, he did only have a chapter left but still, he now had nothing to do. Now he just wished that he had his computer so he could play some video games to kill the time. He didn't even have any homework since Jimin got it done at any chance he got. Now Jimin was just mindlessly staring at his surroundings, completely bored out of his mind.

I have nothing to do, so what now? Jimin questioned himself and just decided to wander through the shelves of books and trailed his finger against their spines and just hummed to himself lazily. "I hate all of these books." Jimin distastefully muttered out loud, coming to the end of bookshelves and came back to the leathered furniture and lied down, legs hanging over the armrest of the chair and he just decided to take out his phone. He put in his cutely designed dog-themed headphones and decided to play some music while he scrolled down through his Instagram.

He nodded his head from side to side as he listened to the sweet tune of the music playing through the paw-shaped earpieces and looked through the artwork of someone he followed and then stopped when he saw a very handsome man that looked around his age and his eyes widen. He was an idol that he followed so of course he would look good but man... he looked good. Jimin practically began to drool at the man. Sharp jaw line. Muscular arms. Collar bones showing which made the black haired boy swoon over the man. "Why can't I be as handsome as you, Taeyang? Or at least get a man like you."

He clicked on his profile and awed at the man. Clicking on different pictures and liking each one, taking a while to stare at the dreamy man.

Jimin paused the music and got off of Instagram, checking the time. Either Taehyung was late or he wasn't planning on showing up.

"Why did I even bother to agreeing to this?" The black haired boy cursed to himself as he got up from his seat and went straight over to the empty table and began putting his stuff away into his backpack. The silver haired male was taking too long to show up, he's over forty minutes late and his tardiness was pissing the short male off. He wasn't very patient, especially for someone that doesn't care for him. He swung the bag onto his shoulder and walked through the deserted hallways.

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