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Jimin smiled at himself in the mirror, he wasn't sure what Taehyung saw in him that was pretty but thought that maybe the light makeup he used yesterday played a role in it and so used some again this morning before heading out to school, there was a kick in his as he held his head higher than before. He didn't want to admit it but Taehyung gave him the ego boost that he needed.

He was kind of disappointed when Hoseok didn't come up to apologize to him at all but he preferred to think that it's because they didn't see each other yet.

When the time came to practice he couldn't wait to go out onto the pitch and see Jungkook and also Taehyung again. Bringing some snacks which he bought on the way to school this morning to cheer them up during their tiring practice.

When he saw the football team play amongst themselves he was confused when he didn't see Hoseok. He sighed as he went over to Jungkook first, surprising him with a hug before they got to talking.

"Kook, I bought you some crisps." Jimin chirped, handing Jungkook his favourite type of snack, banana kicks.

"My favourite! Thank you, Hyung!" Jungkook grinned, already tearing the bag open and popped a piece into his mouth.

"No problem... um, is Taehyung busy? I bought him something too!" Jimin asked, holding up another bag of the same crisps since he doesn't know Tae's favourite yet.

"Damn, you're so nice dude... he is just doing some kicks, you should be fine." Jungkook grinned, giving the older a pay on the back before walking off to enjoy his snacks on his own so he knows he won't have to share them with anyone.

Jimin nodded at the reassurance before running up to Taehyung, hoping he wouldn't be busy like Jungkook stated before giving a small tap on the shoulder, making him turn around to look at him. "Taehyung, I got you some snacks."

"Oh, thanks, that's nice of you." Taehyung hummed. "I skipped lunch so this will help me a bit." He nodded his head, ripping the back open before stuffing his hand into the bag before making a handful of crisps fit in his mouth.

"You're welcome." Jimin blushed, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I-I have something free time later today, I was wondering if you wanted to study? Or hang out again?"

"You'd rather hang out with me than your own boyfriend? Understandable." He jokingly shrugged off, making Jimin even more embarrassed because he was wondering if he was coming on too strongly.

"I'm still kind of upset about it, but, you help get my mind off things..." Jimin wanted to slap himself, he was coming on too strong and he knows it. He wished he had shut up before he went on.

"I can hang out." He smiled at Jimin, his eyes trailed down to another packet of crisps in his hands. "Is that for Hoseok?"

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line as he slowly nodded. "I kind of thought he was gonna apologize to me today, I guess I bought these with hope."

"If you want to see him, I saw him head into the chemistry lab on the second floor. He should still be there" Jimin stared up at Taehyung when he said and nodded. I didn't want to be the one to make the first move but...

"Thanks, I'm gonna go see him before our practice starts." Jimin politely bowed before running off to head to the main school building. Taehyung held back his laughter as he admired Jimin's running.

"His backside is cute too."

/ / / / / / /

Jimin hummed a sweet tune to himself as he walked through the hallways once again, although this time the halls were cleared of students because they were all in the hall eating their lunch.

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