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The birds chirped happily as the morning sun shines down on the still and quiet lake, making the sun sink sadly and rest. Jimin let out a long sigh as his eyes danced across the picture-perfect scenery in front of him. Never as he felt so at ease with himself.

The pink sky above his head brightened up little by little every minute that went passed him. He never thought that seeing the sunrise bright and early at four am could change his perspective on this cruel world. He never thought that he could ever find such beauty until now. It was a great change of pace from forcing himself out of bed half an hour before his classes start.

"I need to make Jihyun breakfast." Jimin told himself, standing up as he dusted and dirt and grassed that has found its way to his baggy trousers. He took one final look at the orange lit lake before jogging up the dirt path to the quaint cabbing in his view.

Closing the mosquito net right behind him as he left the front door swaying in the calming breeze to allow the fresh air to come in, Jimin ran straight for the dainty fridge that stood proud in a tight squeeze next to a counter and oven. Jimin looked through the small counting of produces that they had.

"I hope he'll like eggs and rice..." Jimin groaned as took out a carton of six eggs, planning on cooking them all with some rice, hoping it will keep his brother filled up and help him soldier through the day.

The eerily quiet sound was getting to him to the point that it frustrated him. He took out his phone and played some pop music on a minimum volume. The songs relieving the built-up tension that he had with himself while he cooked the rice slowly for their breakfast. He'll have to wake his brother up not long from now and he dreaded it.

He hated that because he was making his brother suffer by waking him up three hours early compared to how he usually would so he could catch the early bus to Seoul.

Jihyun says he likes their new home just as much as the old one but Jimin knows that he is only saying that to keep his older brother happy. Jimin didn't mind if he stayed in their old home in Seoul during the school nights and then visit Jimin on the weekends but he insisted on staying together.

Jimin poured a bag's worth of rice into the cooker and waited for it to cook slowly. He waited until six am to wake up his brother and bring him out to the balcony watching over the lake for them both to eat breakfast together.

"Sorry, it's all we have, I'll head out to the local farmers market and see what I can get." Jimin frowned as he looked at the sad bowl of rice with three fried eggs on top for them both. He wished he could give his brother a better breakfast but it's all they had.

"It's fine, Hyung! Your fried eggs always taste the bests anyway! Thank you!" Jihyun grinned, digging into his food and those small words of gratitude went straight to Jimin's heart.

After breakfast, Jihyun gave his brother a hug before leaving their small home to head to the bus stop and wait for the morning bus to Seoul.

Jimin headed to his practically empty room and drew the blinds open, letting the sunlight come into his room for the first time in a while. Before heading out, he took out his laptop and searched through YouTube. He wanted to get fit. Build muscle and make him look and hopefully feel stronger.

He clicked on a thirty-minute workout video and set it on his bed for him to mimic. He's been doing these now and again for the last week but now he saw it as a personal business. He'd do it once in the morning and another time in the evening.

He wanted to make himself happy once.

/ / / / /

Jimin wandered around the small market. They didn't have much but Jimin tried to make the best of it. He's trying to become friendly with the locals to build a better relationship with them all since he is going to be living next to them for a long time.

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