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Jimin groaned as he pulled the oversized cloth tight around his figure. "I'm not that fat am I?" Jimin muttered to himself as he looked in the mirror. There was only one way to determine if he was as big as he thinks. To hit the weighing scales.

Jimin let go of his T-shirt, allowing it to revert to its regular state. He moved to the bathroom and pulled out the weighing scales from its hiding place under the bathroom mirror. He turned on the horrendous machinery and stepped on the scales, matching the numbers escalate from zero to seventy kilograms. His sad pout deepened even further. "Great, I am fat. Just what I want to see."

The teenager groaned and kicked the machine back in its rightful place before he stomped his way back to his bedroom and he threw himself back on his bed. He woke up hours before the school even opened because of what Taehyung had said to him the previous day. He didn't think it was as bad as it was though.

The first thought that came to his mind was a crash diet. It's unhealthy but he is already exercising so with that and dieting he should lose weight effectively.

He took his phone out and scrolled through the internet for the best diets to try. Sadly almost all of them were ineffective until doing the thing for about a month. That is until Jimin came across one. Eating five meals during the time period of one week. Jimin just laughed. "Like hell I would eat only that much." Jimin laughed before knocking off his phone and throwing it beside him. "Maybe eating salads will help instead."

/ / / / / / /

Jimin dragged his school bag over his back and sound the sac over his shoulder once his class has ended and he left the school building. He was planning on meeting Hoseok in the schoolyard for lunch.

Jimin turned his head in every direction to search for Hoseok. He smiled when he found the boy lying on a patch of grass, his head resting on his school bag like it was a pillow.

"Hyung~!" Jimin called out, running up to the red-haired boy and sat down beside the older. On the clean patch of grass beside his boyfriend.

"Baby~! Haven't seen you since yesterday!" Hoseok whined, making grabby hands for the latter which Jimin smiled at and in return hugged the older. "Sorry about yesterday... just frustrated."

"It's okay, I knew you were stressed. I understand." Jimin smiled happily as he saw just how happy the older was.

The red-head sighs as he draped his arm over his eyes to block the sun out of them. "Don't worry, I'll be fine once you quit."


"What do you mean by that?" Jimin pouted. Neither one of them brought up the thought of quitting anything so why were they talking about it now?

"Well, I talked to the coach and he won't let you switch unless you asked to and I know that won't be happening anytime soon so I thought you quitting the club would be the best for both of us." Hoseok shrugged, sitting himself up and taking his lunchbox out of his bag to eat his lunch now that Jimin was with him.

"Hyung... I'm not quitting." Jimin muttered, taking out his water bottle and taking a sip from it.

Hoseok was getting frustrated again. "Why not? I don't want you cheering for some other guy. Especially if that guy is Taehyung." Hoseok fake puked at the name, earning a small slap on the arm.

"Hyung, I can't leave him out, it would be embarrassing for him if I don't do all the things that the other cheerleaders are doing for the footballers. I can't let him feel left out." Jimin frowned at the older once he saw him rolled his eyes. Jimin just ignored it and took out his lunch which he bought at a corner shop on the way to school.

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