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"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook muttered as he looked around the classroom but didn't see the dashing silver-haired anywhere. He looked down at his phone and frowned. "Class is going to start soon and he isn't here yet."

"He left school early yesterday... maybe he's sick?" Namjoon spoke up and Seokjin was quick to deny it.

"Are you serious? Did you forget how he and Kookie bet Hoseok to a pulp? He is one hundred per cent healthy, let me tell you that." Jin butted in with a whistle to tie his sentence together.

Yoongi's head popped up and he couldn't help but break out laughing, the rest of the group followed and no one could keep quiet. They sounded like hyenas on steroids. "Taehyung-ssi, what the fuck happened to you?"

Taehyung gritted his teeth, his head was pounding with all of the noise that his friends were making. "Fuck... keep it down... my head hurts."

"Did you go out drinking last night? Your mom would kill you if she found out you're like this." Namjoon asked, analyzing Tae's movement and watched as he sat down and rest his head in his folded arms.

"She doesn't know... I was sleeping at someone's house and he bought some alcohol so I drank some... I-I only had two glasses and he had an entire bottle but he's fine... I'm so weak." Taehyung groaned. He didn't want to see another drop of alcohol ever. "If you see me with alcohol just shoot me on the spot."

"What the hell?! You got a new drinking buddy?! I am offended and-"

"Shut up, Yoongi, we literally had only one glass together." Taehyung groaned. His throat was burning and he felt like throwing up again like he has all morning. "Oh, I'm going to get sick."

"Who were you with last night?" Namjoon asked, continuing to stare at Taehyung while he tried to come up with answers for the questions that were running wild in his mind.

"None of you're fucking business... get me some food to soak up all of the alcohol that is still inside of me! I'm literally just throwing up my stomach at this point." Taehyung ruffled his hair while taking his time to lift his head up and look around his class. "What class am I in?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his friend's behaviour. "Flying class- this is fucking English class."

Tae groaned. He didn't have time to think to himself before his teacher came in. Taehyung could feel a tingle at the back of his throat as heat rushed through his body. He quickly raised his hand and caught the teacher's attention.

"What is it, Kim?" The teacher queered at Tae. On shaky legs, he stood up from his seat and tried to focus his vision on his teacher.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked rather nicely considering how he can usually act but was let down when the teacher pointed to a sign on the wall.

"Can you say it in English?"

Taehyung stared almost lifelessly as he felt bile quickly rise up from his throat. "Depends, do you want vomit on your floor?"

Students laughed, thinking he was joking when that was the complete opposite of what was about to happen. The teacher just allowed him to leave and Taehyung ran into the hallways and found the nearest bathroom and collapsed in the nearest stall in front of the toilet seat before releasing his guts out.

He wasn't going to have a very good day.

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